never executed always true always false
1 {-
2 (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
4 -}
8 module GHC.Types.Var.Set (
9 -- * Var, Id and TyVar set types
10 VarSet, IdSet, TyVarSet, CoVarSet, TyCoVarSet,
12 -- ** Manipulating these sets
13 emptyVarSet, unitVarSet, mkVarSet,
14 extendVarSet, extendVarSetList,
15 elemVarSet, subVarSet,
16 unionVarSet, unionVarSets, mapUnionVarSet,
17 intersectVarSet, intersectsVarSet, disjointVarSet,
18 isEmptyVarSet, delVarSet, delVarSetList, delVarSetByKey,
19 minusVarSet, filterVarSet, mapVarSet,
20 anyVarSet, allVarSet,
21 transCloVarSet, fixVarSet,
22 lookupVarSet_Directly, lookupVarSet, lookupVarSetByName,
23 sizeVarSet, seqVarSet,
24 elemVarSetByKey, partitionVarSet,
25 pluralVarSet, pprVarSet,
26 nonDetStrictFoldVarSet,
28 -- * Deterministic Var set types
29 DVarSet, DIdSet, DTyVarSet, DTyCoVarSet,
31 -- ** Manipulating these sets
32 emptyDVarSet, unitDVarSet, mkDVarSet,
33 extendDVarSet, extendDVarSetList,
34 elemDVarSet, dVarSetElems, subDVarSet,
35 unionDVarSet, unionDVarSets, mapUnionDVarSet,
36 intersectDVarSet, dVarSetIntersectVarSet,
37 intersectsDVarSet, disjointDVarSet,
38 isEmptyDVarSet, delDVarSet, delDVarSetList,
39 minusDVarSet,
40 nonDetStrictFoldDVarSet,
41 filterDVarSet, mapDVarSet,
42 dVarSetMinusVarSet, anyDVarSet, allDVarSet,
43 transCloDVarSet,
44 sizeDVarSet, seqDVarSet,
45 partitionDVarSet,
46 dVarSetToVarSet,
47 ) where
49 import GHC.Prelude
51 import GHC.Types.Var ( Var, TyVar, CoVar, TyCoVar, Id )
52 import GHC.Types.Unique
53 import GHC.Types.Name ( Name )
54 import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
55 import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
56 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM( disjointUFM, pluralUFM, pprUFM )
57 import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM( disjointUDFM, udfmToUfm, anyUDFM, allUDFM )
58 import GHC.Utils.Outputable (SDoc)
60 -- | A non-deterministic Variable Set
61 --
62 -- A non-deterministic set of variables.
63 -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in "GHC.Types.Unique.DFM" for explanation why it's not
64 -- deterministic and why it matters. Use DVarSet if the set eventually
65 -- gets converted into a list or folded over in a way where the order
66 -- changes the generated code, for example when abstracting variables.
67 type VarSet = UniqSet Var
69 -- | Identifier Set
70 type IdSet = UniqSet Id
72 -- | Type Variable Set
73 type TyVarSet = UniqSet TyVar
75 -- | Coercion Variable Set
76 type CoVarSet = UniqSet CoVar
78 -- | Type or Coercion Variable Set
79 type TyCoVarSet = UniqSet TyCoVar
81 emptyVarSet :: VarSet
82 intersectVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
83 unionVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
84 unionVarSets :: [VarSet] -> VarSet
86 mapUnionVarSet :: (a -> VarSet) -> [a] -> VarSet
87 -- ^ map the function over the list, and union the results
89 unitVarSet :: Var -> VarSet
90 extendVarSet :: VarSet -> Var -> VarSet
91 extendVarSetList:: VarSet -> [Var] -> VarSet
92 elemVarSet :: Var -> VarSet -> Bool
93 delVarSet :: VarSet -> Var -> VarSet
94 delVarSetList :: VarSet -> [Var] -> VarSet
95 minusVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
96 isEmptyVarSet :: VarSet -> Bool
97 mkVarSet :: [Var] -> VarSet
98 lookupVarSet_Directly :: VarSet -> Unique -> Maybe Var
99 lookupVarSet :: VarSet -> Var -> Maybe Var
100 -- Returns the set element, which may be
101 -- (==) to the argument, but not the same as
102 lookupVarSetByName :: VarSet -> Name -> Maybe Var
103 sizeVarSet :: VarSet -> Int
104 filterVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> VarSet
106 delVarSetByKey :: VarSet -> Unique -> VarSet
107 elemVarSetByKey :: Unique -> VarSet -> Bool
108 partitionVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> (VarSet, VarSet)
110 emptyVarSet = emptyUniqSet
111 unitVarSet = unitUniqSet
112 extendVarSet = addOneToUniqSet
113 extendVarSetList= addListToUniqSet
114 intersectVarSet = intersectUniqSets
116 intersectsVarSet:: VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool -- True if non-empty intersection
117 disjointVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool -- True if empty intersection
118 subVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool -- True if first arg is subset of second
119 -- (s1 `intersectsVarSet` s2) doesn't compute s2 if s1 is empty;
120 -- ditto disjointVarSet, subVarSet
122 unionVarSet = unionUniqSets
123 unionVarSets = unionManyUniqSets
124 elemVarSet = elementOfUniqSet
125 minusVarSet = minusUniqSet
126 delVarSet = delOneFromUniqSet
127 delVarSetList = delListFromUniqSet
128 isEmptyVarSet = isEmptyUniqSet
129 mkVarSet = mkUniqSet
130 lookupVarSet_Directly = lookupUniqSet_Directly
131 lookupVarSet = lookupUniqSet
132 lookupVarSetByName set name = lookupUniqSet_Directly set (getUnique name)
133 sizeVarSet = sizeUniqSet
134 filterVarSet = filterUniqSet
135 delVarSetByKey = delOneFromUniqSet_Directly
136 elemVarSetByKey = elemUniqSet_Directly
137 partitionVarSet = partitionUniqSet
139 mapUnionVarSet get_set xs = foldr (unionVarSet . get_set) emptyVarSet xs
141 -- See comments with type signatures
142 intersectsVarSet s1 s2 = not (s1 `disjointVarSet` s2)
143 disjointVarSet s1 s2 = disjointUFM (getUniqSet s1) (getUniqSet s2)
144 subVarSet s1 s2 = isEmptyVarSet (s1 `minusVarSet` s2)
146 anyVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> Bool
147 anyVarSet = uniqSetAny
149 allVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> Bool
150 allVarSet = uniqSetAll
152 mapVarSet :: Uniquable b => (a -> b) -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet b
153 mapVarSet = mapUniqSet
155 -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] to learn about nondeterminism.
156 -- If you use this please provide a justification why it doesn't introduce
157 -- nondeterminism.
158 nonDetStrictFoldVarSet :: (Var -> a -> a) -> a -> VarSet -> a
159 nonDetStrictFoldVarSet = nonDetStrictFoldUniqSet
161 fixVarSet :: (VarSet -> VarSet) -- Map the current set to a new set
162 -> VarSet -> VarSet
163 -- (fixVarSet f s) repeatedly applies f to the set s,
164 -- until it reaches a fixed point.
165 fixVarSet fn vars
166 | new_vars `subVarSet` vars = vars
167 | otherwise = fixVarSet fn new_vars
168 where
169 new_vars = fn vars
171 transCloVarSet :: (VarSet -> VarSet)
172 -- Map some variables in the set to
173 -- extra variables that should be in it
174 -> VarSet -> VarSet
175 -- (transCloVarSet f s) repeatedly applies f to new candidates, adding any
176 -- new variables to s that it finds thereby, until it reaches a fixed point.
177 --
178 -- The function fn could be (Var -> VarSet), but we use (VarSet -> VarSet)
179 -- for efficiency, so that the test can be batched up.
180 -- It's essential that fn will work fine if given new candidates
181 -- one at a time; ie fn {v1,v2} = fn v1 `union` fn v2
182 -- Use fixVarSet if the function needs to see the whole set all at once
183 transCloVarSet fn seeds
184 = go seeds seeds
185 where
186 go :: VarSet -- Accumulating result
187 -> VarSet -- Work-list; un-processed subset of accumulating result
188 -> VarSet
189 -- Specification: go acc vs = acc `union` transClo fn vs
191 go acc candidates
192 | isEmptyVarSet new_vs = acc
193 | otherwise = go (acc `unionVarSet` new_vs) new_vs
194 where
195 new_vs = fn candidates `minusVarSet` acc
197 seqVarSet :: VarSet -> ()
198 seqVarSet s = sizeVarSet s `seq` ()
200 -- | Determines the pluralisation suffix appropriate for the length of a set
201 -- in the same way that plural from Outputable does for lists.
202 pluralVarSet :: VarSet -> SDoc
203 pluralVarSet = pluralUFM . getUniqSet
205 -- | Pretty-print a non-deterministic set.
206 -- The order of variables is non-deterministic and for pretty-printing that
207 -- shouldn't be a problem.
208 -- Having this function helps contain the non-determinism created with
209 -- nonDetEltsUFM.
210 -- Passing a list to the pretty-printing function allows the caller
211 -- to decide on the order of Vars (eg. toposort them) without them having
212 -- to use nonDetEltsUFM at the call site. This prevents from let-binding
213 -- non-deterministically ordered lists and reusing them where determinism
214 -- matters.
215 pprVarSet :: VarSet -- ^ The things to be pretty printed
216 -> ([Var] -> SDoc) -- ^ The pretty printing function to use on the
217 -- elements
218 -> SDoc -- ^ 'SDoc' where the things have been pretty
219 -- printed
220 pprVarSet = pprUFM . getUniqSet
222 -- Deterministic VarSet
223 -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in GHC.Types.Unique.DFM for explanation why we need
224 -- DVarSet.
226 -- | Deterministic Variable Set
227 type DVarSet = UniqDSet Var
229 -- | Deterministic Identifier Set
230 type DIdSet = UniqDSet Id
232 -- | Deterministic Type Variable Set
233 type DTyVarSet = UniqDSet TyVar
235 -- | Deterministic Type or Coercion Variable Set
236 type DTyCoVarSet = UniqDSet TyCoVar
238 emptyDVarSet :: DVarSet
239 emptyDVarSet = emptyUniqDSet
241 unitDVarSet :: Var -> DVarSet
242 unitDVarSet = unitUniqDSet
244 mkDVarSet :: [Var] -> DVarSet
245 mkDVarSet = mkUniqDSet
247 -- The new element always goes to the right of existing ones.
248 extendDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Var -> DVarSet
249 extendDVarSet = addOneToUniqDSet
251 elemDVarSet :: Var -> DVarSet -> Bool
252 elemDVarSet = elementOfUniqDSet
254 dVarSetElems :: DVarSet -> [Var]
255 dVarSetElems = uniqDSetToList
257 subDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> Bool
258 subDVarSet s1 s2 = isEmptyDVarSet (s1 `minusDVarSet` s2)
260 unionDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
261 unionDVarSet = unionUniqDSets
263 unionDVarSets :: [DVarSet] -> DVarSet
264 unionDVarSets = unionManyUniqDSets
266 -- | Map the function over the list, and union the results
267 mapUnionDVarSet :: (a -> DVarSet) -> [a] -> DVarSet
268 mapUnionDVarSet get_set xs = foldr (unionDVarSet . get_set) emptyDVarSet xs
270 intersectDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
271 intersectDVarSet = intersectUniqDSets
273 dVarSetIntersectVarSet :: DVarSet -> VarSet -> DVarSet
274 dVarSetIntersectVarSet = uniqDSetIntersectUniqSet
276 -- | True if empty intersection
277 disjointDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> Bool
278 disjointDVarSet s1 s2 = disjointUDFM (getUniqDSet s1) (getUniqDSet s2)
280 -- | True if non-empty intersection
281 intersectsDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> Bool
282 intersectsDVarSet s1 s2 = not (s1 `disjointDVarSet` s2)
284 isEmptyDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Bool
285 isEmptyDVarSet = isEmptyUniqDSet
287 delDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Var -> DVarSet
288 delDVarSet = delOneFromUniqDSet
290 minusDVarSet :: DVarSet -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
291 minusDVarSet = minusUniqDSet
293 dVarSetMinusVarSet :: DVarSet -> VarSet -> DVarSet
294 dVarSetMinusVarSet = uniqDSetMinusUniqSet
296 -- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] to learn about nondeterminism.
297 -- If you use this please provide a justification why it doesn't introduce
298 -- nondeterminism.
299 nonDetStrictFoldDVarSet :: (Var -> a -> a) -> a -> DVarSet -> a
300 nonDetStrictFoldDVarSet = nonDetStrictFoldUniqDSet
302 anyDVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> DVarSet -> Bool
303 anyDVarSet p = anyUDFM p . getUniqDSet
305 allDVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> DVarSet -> Bool
306 allDVarSet p = allUDFM p . getUniqDSet
308 mapDVarSet :: Uniquable b => (a -> b) -> UniqDSet a -> UniqDSet b
309 mapDVarSet = mapUniqDSet
311 filterDVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
312 filterDVarSet = filterUniqDSet
314 sizeDVarSet :: DVarSet -> Int
315 sizeDVarSet = sizeUniqDSet
317 -- | Partition DVarSet according to the predicate given
318 partitionDVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> DVarSet -> (DVarSet, DVarSet)
319 partitionDVarSet = partitionUniqDSet
321 -- | Delete a list of variables from DVarSet
322 delDVarSetList :: DVarSet -> [Var] -> DVarSet
323 delDVarSetList = delListFromUniqDSet
325 seqDVarSet :: DVarSet -> ()
326 seqDVarSet s = sizeDVarSet s `seq` ()
328 -- | Add a list of variables to DVarSet
329 extendDVarSetList :: DVarSet -> [Var] -> DVarSet
330 extendDVarSetList = addListToUniqDSet
332 -- | Convert a DVarSet to a VarSet by forgetting the order of insertion
333 dVarSetToVarSet :: DVarSet -> VarSet
334 dVarSetToVarSet = unsafeUFMToUniqSet . udfmToUfm . getUniqDSet
336 -- | transCloVarSet for DVarSet
337 transCloDVarSet :: (DVarSet -> DVarSet)
338 -- Map some variables in the set to
339 -- extra variables that should be in it
340 -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
341 -- (transCloDVarSet f s) repeatedly applies f to new candidates, adding any
342 -- new variables to s that it finds thereby, until it reaches a fixed point.
343 --
344 -- The function fn could be (Var -> DVarSet), but we use (DVarSet -> DVarSet)
345 -- for efficiency, so that the test can be batched up.
346 -- It's essential that fn will work fine if given new candidates
347 -- one at a time; ie fn {v1,v2} = fn v1 `union` fn v2
348 transCloDVarSet fn seeds
349 = go seeds seeds
350 where
351 go :: DVarSet -- Accumulating result
352 -> DVarSet -- Work-list; un-processed subset of accumulating result
353 -> DVarSet
354 -- Specification: go acc vs = acc `union` transClo fn vs
356 go acc candidates
357 | isEmptyDVarSet new_vs = acc
358 | otherwise = go (acc `unionDVarSet` new_vs) new_vs
359 where
360 new_vs = fn candidates `minusDVarSet` acc