never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
    2 module GHC.Types.CostCentre (
    3         CostCentre(..), CcName, CCFlavour(..),
    4                 -- All abstract except to friend: ParseIface.y
    6         CostCentreStack,
    7         CollectedCCs, emptyCollectedCCs, collectCC,
    8         currentCCS, dontCareCCS,
    9         isCurrentCCS,
   10         maybeSingletonCCS,
   12         mkUserCC, mkAutoCC, mkAllCafsCC,
   13         mkSingletonCCS,
   14         isCafCCS, isCafCC, isSccCountCC, sccAbleCC, ccFromThisModule,
   16         pprCostCentreCore,
   17         costCentreUserName, costCentreUserNameFS,
   18         costCentreSrcSpan,
   20         cmpCostCentre   -- used for removing dups in a list
   21     ) where
   23 import GHC.Prelude
   25 import GHC.Utils.Binary
   26 import GHC.Types.Var
   27 import GHC.Types.Name
   28 import GHC.Unit.Module
   29 import GHC.Types.Unique
   30 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
   31 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
   32 import GHC.Data.FastString
   33 import GHC.Types.CostCentre.State
   35 import Data.Data
   37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   38 -- Cost Centres
   40 -- | A Cost Centre is a single @{-# SCC #-}@ annotation.
   42 data CostCentre
   43   = NormalCC {
   44                 cc_flavour  :: CCFlavour,
   45                  -- ^ Two cost centres may have the same name and
   46                  -- module but different SrcSpans, so we need a way to
   47                  -- distinguish them easily and give them different
   48                  -- object-code labels.  So every CostCentre has an
   49                  -- associated flavour that indicates how it was
   50                  -- generated, and flavours that allow multiple instances
   51                  -- of the same name and module have a deterministic 0-based
   52                  -- index.
   53                 cc_name :: CcName,      -- ^ Name of the cost centre itself
   54                 cc_mod  :: Module,      -- ^ Name of module defining this CC.
   55                 cc_loc  :: SrcSpan
   56     }
   58   | AllCafsCC {
   59                 cc_mod  :: Module,      -- Name of module defining this CC.
   60                 cc_loc  :: SrcSpan
   61     }
   62   deriving Data
   64 type CcName = FastString
   66 -- | The flavour of a cost centre.
   67 --
   68 -- Index fields represent 0-based indices giving source-code ordering of
   69 -- centres with the same module, name, and flavour.
   70 data CCFlavour = CafCC -- ^ Auto-generated top-level thunk
   71                | ExprCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Explicitly annotated expression
   72                | DeclCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Explicitly annotated declaration
   73                | HpcCC !CostCentreIndex -- ^ Generated by HPC for coverage
   74                deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
   76 -- | Extract the index from a flavour
   77 flavourIndex :: CCFlavour -> Int
   78 flavourIndex CafCC = 0
   79 flavourIndex (ExprCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
   80 flavourIndex (DeclCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
   81 flavourIndex (HpcCC x) = unCostCentreIndex x
   83 instance Eq CostCentre where
   84         c1 == c2 = case c1 `cmpCostCentre` c2 of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
   86 instance Ord CostCentre where
   87         compare = cmpCostCentre
   89 cmpCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CostCentre -> Ordering
   91 cmpCostCentre (AllCafsCC  {cc_mod = m1}) (AllCafsCC  {cc_mod = m2})
   92   = m1 `compare` m2
   94 cmpCostCentre NormalCC {cc_flavour = f1, cc_mod =  m1, cc_name = n1}
   95               NormalCC {cc_flavour = f2, cc_mod =  m2, cc_name = n2}
   96     -- first key is module name, then centre name, then flavour
   97   = mconcat
   98       [ m1 `compare` m2
   99       , n1 `lexicalCompareFS` n2 -- compare lexically to avoid non-determinism
  100       , f1 `compare` f2
  101       ]
  103 cmpCostCentre other_1 other_2
  104   = let
  105         tag1 = tag_CC other_1
  106         tag2 = tag_CC other_2
  107     in
  108     if tag1 < tag2 then LT else GT
  109   where
  110     tag_CC :: CostCentre -> Int
  111     tag_CC (NormalCC   {}) = 0
  112     tag_CC (AllCafsCC  {}) = 1
  115 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116 -- Predicates on CostCentre
  118 isCafCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
  119 isCafCC (AllCafsCC {})                  = True
  120 isCafCC (NormalCC {cc_flavour = CafCC}) = True
  121 isCafCC _                               = False
  123 -- | Is this a cost-centre which records scc counts
  124 isSccCountCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
  125 isSccCountCC cc | isCafCC cc  = False
  126                 | otherwise   = True
  128 -- | Is this a cost-centre which can be sccd ?
  129 sccAbleCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
  130 sccAbleCC cc | isCafCC cc = False
  131              | otherwise  = True
  133 ccFromThisModule :: CostCentre -> Module -> Bool
  134 ccFromThisModule cc m = cc_mod cc == m
  137 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138 -- Building cost centres
  140 mkUserCC :: FastString -> Module -> SrcSpan -> CCFlavour -> CostCentre
  141 mkUserCC cc_name mod loc flavour
  142   = NormalCC { cc_name = cc_name, cc_mod =  mod, cc_loc = loc,
  143                cc_flavour = flavour
  144     }
  146 mkAutoCC :: Id -> Module -> CostCentre
  147 mkAutoCC id mod
  148   = NormalCC { cc_name = str, cc_mod =  mod,
  149                cc_loc = nameSrcSpan (getName id),
  150                cc_flavour = CafCC
  151     }
  152   where
  153         name = getName id
  154         -- beware: only external names are guaranteed to have unique
  155         -- Occnames.  If the name is not external, we must append its
  156         -- Unique.
  157         -- See bug #249, tests prof001, prof002,  also #2411
  158         str | isExternalName name = occNameFS (getOccName id)
  159             | otherwise           = occNameFS (getOccName id)
  160                                     `appendFS`
  161                                     mkFastString ('_' : show (getUnique name))
  162 mkAllCafsCC :: Module -> SrcSpan -> CostCentre
  163 mkAllCafsCC m loc = AllCafsCC { cc_mod = m, cc_loc = loc }
  165 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166 -- Cost Centre Stacks
  168 -- | A Cost Centre Stack is something that can be attached to a closure.
  169 -- This is either:
  170 --
  171 --      * the current cost centre stack (CCCS)
  172 --      * a pre-defined cost centre stack (there are several
  173 --        pre-defined CCSs, see below).
  175 data CostCentreStack
  176   = CurrentCCS          -- Pinned on a let(rec)-bound
  177                         -- thunk/function/constructor, this says that the
  178                         -- cost centre to be attached to the object, when it
  179                         -- is allocated, is whatever is in the
  180                         -- current-cost-centre-stack register.
  182   | DontCareCCS         -- We need a CCS to stick in static closures
  183                         -- (for data), but we *don't* expect them to
  184                         -- accumulate any costs.  But we still need
  185                         -- the placeholder.  This CCS is it.
  187   | SingletonCCS CostCentre
  189   deriving (Eq, Ord)    -- needed for Ord on CLabel
  192 -- synonym for triple which describes the cost centre info in the generated
  193 -- code for a module.
  194 type CollectedCCs
  195   = ( [CostCentre]       -- local cost-centres that need to be decl'd
  196     , [CostCentreStack]  -- pre-defined "singleton" cost centre stacks
  197     )
  199 emptyCollectedCCs :: CollectedCCs
  200 emptyCollectedCCs = ([], [])
  202 collectCC :: CostCentre -> CostCentreStack -> CollectedCCs -> CollectedCCs
  203 collectCC cc ccs (c, cs) = (cc : c, ccs : cs)
  205 currentCCS, dontCareCCS :: CostCentreStack
  207 currentCCS              = CurrentCCS
  208 dontCareCCS             = DontCareCCS
  210 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211 -- Predicates on Cost-Centre Stacks
  213 isCurrentCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
  214 isCurrentCCS CurrentCCS                 = True
  215 isCurrentCCS _                          = False
  217 isCafCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
  218 isCafCCS (SingletonCCS cc)              = isCafCC cc
  219 isCafCCS _                              = False
  221 maybeSingletonCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Maybe CostCentre
  222 maybeSingletonCCS (SingletonCCS cc)     = Just cc
  223 maybeSingletonCCS _                     = Nothing
  225 mkSingletonCCS :: CostCentre -> CostCentreStack
  226 mkSingletonCCS cc = SingletonCCS cc
  229 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  230 -- Printing Cost Centre Stacks.
  232 -- The outputable instance for CostCentreStack prints the CCS as a C
  233 -- expression.
  235 instance Outputable CostCentreStack where
  236   ppr CurrentCCS        = text "CCCS"
  237   ppr DontCareCCS       = text "CCS_DONT_CARE"
  238   ppr (SingletonCCS cc) = ppr cc <> text "_ccs"
  241 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242 -- Printing Cost Centres
  243 --
  244 -- There are several different ways in which we might want to print a
  245 -- cost centre:
  246 --
  247 --      - the name of the cost centre, for profiling output (a C string)
  248 --      - the label, i.e. C label for cost centre in .hc file.
  249 --      - the debugging name, for output in -ddump things
  250 --      - the interface name, for printing in _scc_ exprs in iface files.
  251 --
  252 -- The last 3 are derived from costCentreStr below.  The first is given
  253 -- by costCentreName.
  255 instance Outputable CostCentre where
  256   ppr cc = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
  257            if codeStyle sty
  258            then ppCostCentreLbl cc
  259            else text (costCentreUserName cc)
  261 -- Printing in Core
  262 pprCostCentreCore :: CostCentre -> SDoc
  263 pprCostCentreCore (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m})
  264   = text "__sccC" <+> braces (ppr m)
  265 pprCostCentreCore (NormalCC {cc_flavour = flavour, cc_name = n,
  266                              cc_mod = m, cc_loc = loc})
  267   = text "__scc" <+> braces (hsep [
  268         ppr m <> char '.' <> ftext n,
  269         pprFlavourCore flavour,
  270         whenPprDebug (ppr loc)
  271     ])
  273 -- ^ Print a flavour in Core
  274 pprFlavourCore :: CCFlavour -> SDoc
  275 pprFlavourCore CafCC = text "__C"
  276 pprFlavourCore f     = pprIdxCore $ flavourIndex f
  278 -- ^ Print a flavour's index in Core
  279 pprIdxCore :: Int -> SDoc
  280 pprIdxCore 0 = empty
  281 pprIdxCore idx = whenPprDebug $ ppr idx
  283 -- Printing as a C label
  284 ppCostCentreLbl :: CostCentre -> SDoc
  285 ppCostCentreLbl (AllCafsCC  {cc_mod = m}) = ppr m <> text "_CAFs_cc"
  286 ppCostCentreLbl (NormalCC {cc_flavour = f, cc_name = n, cc_mod = m})
  287   = ppr m <> char '_' <> ztext (zEncodeFS n) <> char '_' <>
  288         ppFlavourLblComponent f <> text "_cc"
  290 -- ^ Print the flavour component of a C label
  291 ppFlavourLblComponent :: CCFlavour -> SDoc
  292 ppFlavourLblComponent CafCC = text "CAF"
  293 ppFlavourLblComponent (ExprCC i) = text "EXPR" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
  294 ppFlavourLblComponent (DeclCC i) = text "DECL" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
  295 ppFlavourLblComponent (HpcCC i) = text "HPC" <> ppIdxLblComponent i
  297 -- ^ Print the flavour index component of a C label
  298 ppIdxLblComponent :: CostCentreIndex -> SDoc
  299 ppIdxLblComponent n =
  300   case unCostCentreIndex n of
  301     0 -> empty
  302     n -> ppr n
  304 -- This is the name to go in the user-displayed string,
  305 -- recorded in the cost centre declaration
  306 costCentreUserName :: CostCentre -> String
  307 costCentreUserName = unpackFS . costCentreUserNameFS
  309 costCentreUserNameFS :: CostCentre -> FastString
  310 costCentreUserNameFS (AllCafsCC {})  = mkFastString "CAF"
  311 costCentreUserNameFS (NormalCC {cc_name = name, cc_flavour = is_caf})
  312   =  case is_caf of
  313       CafCC -> mkFastString "CAF:" `appendFS` name
  314       _     -> name
  316 costCentreSrcSpan :: CostCentre -> SrcSpan
  317 costCentreSrcSpan = cc_loc
  319 instance Binary CCFlavour where
  320     put_ bh CafCC =
  321             putByte bh 0
  322     put_ bh (ExprCC i) = do
  323             putByte bh 1
  324             put_ bh i
  325     put_ bh (DeclCC i) = do
  326             putByte bh 2
  327             put_ bh i
  328     put_ bh (HpcCC i) = do
  329             putByte bh 3
  330             put_ bh i
  331     get bh = do
  332             h <- getByte bh
  333             case h of
  334               0 -> return CafCC
  335               1 -> ExprCC <$> get bh
  336               2 -> DeclCC <$> get bh
  337               _ -> HpcCC  <$> get bh
  339 instance Binary CostCentre where
  340     put_ bh (NormalCC aa ab ac _ad) = do
  341             putByte bh 0
  342             put_ bh aa
  343             put_ bh ab
  344             put_ bh ac
  345     put_ bh (AllCafsCC ae _af) = do
  346             putByte bh 1
  347             put_ bh ae
  348     get bh = do
  349             h <- getByte bh
  350             case h of
  351               0 -> do aa <- get bh
  352                       ab <- get bh
  353                       ac <- get bh
  354                       return (NormalCC aa ab ac noSrcSpan)
  355               _ -> do ae <- get bh
  356                       return (AllCafsCC ae noSrcSpan)
  358     -- We ignore the SrcSpans in CostCentres when we serialise them,
  359     -- and set the SrcSpans to noSrcSpan when deserialising.  This is
  360     -- ok, because we only need the SrcSpan when declaring the
  361     -- CostCentre in the original module, it is not used by importing
  362     -- modules.