never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
    4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
    6 module GHC.Tc.Solver.InertSet (
    7     -- * The work list
    8     WorkList(..), isEmptyWorkList, emptyWorkList,
    9     extendWorkListNonEq, extendWorkListCt,
   10     extendWorkListCts, extendWorkListEq, extendWorkListDeriveds,
   11     appendWorkList, extendWorkListImplic,
   12     workListSize,
   13     selectWorkItem,
   15     -- * The inert set
   16     InertSet(..),
   17     InertCans(..),
   18     InertEqs,
   19     emptyInert,
   20     addInertItem,
   22     matchableGivens,
   23     mightEqualLater,
   24     prohibitedSuperClassSolve,
   26     -- * Inert equalities
   27     foldTyEqs, delEq, findEq,
   29     -- * Kick-out
   30     kickOutRewritableLHS
   32   ) where
   34 import GHC.Prelude
   36 import GHC.Tc.Solver.Types
   38 import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
   39 import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
   40 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
   41 import GHC.Types.Var
   42 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
   44 import GHC.Core.Class (Class(..))
   45 import GHC.Core.Reduction
   46 import GHC.Core.Predicate
   47 import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
   48 import qualified GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep as Rep
   49 import GHC.Core.TyCon
   50 import GHC.Core.Unify
   52 import GHC.Data.Bag
   53 import GHC.Utils.Misc       ( chkAppend, partitionWith )
   54 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
   55 import GHC.Utils.Panic
   57 import Data.List          ( partition )
   58 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
   60 {-
   61 ************************************************************************
   62 *                                                                      *
   63 *                            Worklists                                *
   64 *  Canonical and non-canonical constraints that the simplifier has to  *
   65 *  work on. Including their simplification depths.                     *
   66 *                                                                      *
   67 *                                                                      *
   68 ************************************************************************
   70 Note [WorkList priorities]
   71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   72 A WorkList contains canonical and non-canonical items (of all flavours).
   73 Notice that each Ct now has a simplification depth. We may
   74 consider using this depth for prioritization as well in the future.
   76 As a simple form of priority queue, our worklist separates out
   78 * equalities (wl_eqs); see Note [Prioritise equalities]
   79 * all the rest (wl_rest)
   81 Note [Prioritise equalities]
   82 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   83 It's very important to process equalities /first/:
   85 * (Efficiency)  The general reason to do so is that if we process a
   86   class constraint first, we may end up putting it into the inert set
   87   and then kicking it out later.  That's extra work compared to just
   88   doing the equality first.
   90 * (Avoiding fundep iteration) As #14723 showed, it's possible to
   91   get non-termination if we
   92       - Emit the Derived fundep equalities for a class constraint,
   93         generating some fresh unification variables.
   94       - That leads to some unification
   95       - Which kicks out the class constraint
   96       - Which isn't solved (because there are still some more Derived
   97         equalities in the work-list), but generates yet more fundeps
   98   Solution: prioritise derived equalities over class constraints
  100 * (Class equalities) We need to prioritise equalities even if they
  101   are hidden inside a class constraint;
  102   see Note [Prioritise class equalities]
  104 * (Kick-out) We want to apply this priority scheme to kicked-out
  105   constraints too (see the call to extendWorkListCt in kick_out_rewritable
  106   E.g. a CIrredCan can be a hetero-kinded (t1 ~ t2), which may become
  107   homo-kinded when kicked out, and hence we want to prioritise it.
  109 * (Derived equalities) Originally we tried to postpone processing
  110   Derived equalities, in the hope that we might never need to deal
  111   with them at all; but in fact we must process Derived equalities
  112   eagerly, partly for the (Efficiency) reason, and more importantly
  113   for (Avoiding fundep iteration).
  115 Note [Prioritise class equalities]
  116 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  117 We prioritise equalities in the solver (see selectWorkItem). But class
  118 constraints like (a ~ b) and (a ~~ b) are actually equalities too;
  119 see Note [The equality types story] in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim.
  121 Failing to prioritise these is inefficient (more kick-outs etc).
  122 But, worse, it can prevent us spotting a "recursive knot" among
  123 Wanted constraints.  See comment:10 of #12734 for a worked-out
  124 example.
  126 So we arrange to put these particular class constraints in the wl_eqs.
  128   NB: since we do not currently apply the substitution to the
  129   inert_solved_dicts, the knot-tying still seems a bit fragile.
  130   But this makes it better.
  132 Note [Residual implications]
  133 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  134 The wl_implics in the WorkList are the residual implication
  135 constraints that are generated while solving or canonicalising the
  136 current worklist.  Specifically, when canonicalising
  137    (forall a. t1 ~ forall a. t2)
  138 from which we get the implication
  139    (forall a. t1 ~ t2)
  140 See GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.deferTcSForAllEq
  142 -}
  144 -- See Note [WorkList priorities]
  145 data WorkList
  146   = WL { wl_eqs     :: [Ct]  -- CEqCan, CDictCan, CIrredCan
  147                              -- Given, Wanted, and Derived
  148                        -- Contains both equality constraints and their
  149                        -- class-level variants (a~b) and (a~~b);
  150                        -- See Note [Prioritise equalities]
  151                        -- See Note [Prioritise class equalities]
  153        , wl_rest    :: [Ct]
  155        , wl_implics :: Bag Implication  -- See Note [Residual implications]
  156     }
  158 appendWorkList :: WorkList -> WorkList -> WorkList
  159 appendWorkList
  160     (WL { wl_eqs = eqs1, wl_rest = rest1
  161         , wl_implics = implics1 })
  162     (WL { wl_eqs = eqs2, wl_rest = rest2
  163         , wl_implics = implics2 })
  164    = WL { wl_eqs     = eqs1     ++ eqs2
  165         , wl_rest    = rest1    ++ rest2
  166         , wl_implics = implics1 `unionBags`   implics2 }
  168 workListSize :: WorkList -> Int
  169 workListSize (WL { wl_eqs = eqs, wl_rest = rest })
  170   = length eqs + length rest
  172 extendWorkListEq :: Ct -> WorkList -> WorkList
  173 extendWorkListEq ct wl = wl { wl_eqs = ct : wl_eqs wl }
  175 extendWorkListNonEq :: Ct -> WorkList -> WorkList
  176 -- Extension by non equality
  177 extendWorkListNonEq ct wl = wl { wl_rest = ct : wl_rest wl }
  179 extendWorkListDeriveds :: [CtEvidence] -> WorkList -> WorkList
  180 extendWorkListDeriveds evs wl
  181   = extendWorkListCts (map mkNonCanonical evs) wl
  183 extendWorkListImplic :: Implication -> WorkList -> WorkList
  184 extendWorkListImplic implic wl = wl { wl_implics = implic `consBag` wl_implics wl }
  186 extendWorkListCt :: Ct -> WorkList -> WorkList
  187 -- Agnostic
  188 extendWorkListCt ct wl
  189  = case classifyPredType (ctPred ct) of
  190      EqPred {}
  191        -> extendWorkListEq ct wl
  193      ClassPred cls _  -- See Note [Prioritise class equalities]
  194        |  isEqPredClass cls
  195        -> extendWorkListEq ct wl
  197      _ -> extendWorkListNonEq ct wl
  199 extendWorkListCts :: [Ct] -> WorkList -> WorkList
  200 -- Agnostic
  201 extendWorkListCts cts wl = foldr extendWorkListCt wl cts
  203 isEmptyWorkList :: WorkList -> Bool
  204 isEmptyWorkList (WL { wl_eqs = eqs, wl_rest = rest, wl_implics = implics })
  205   = null eqs && null rest && isEmptyBag implics
  207 emptyWorkList :: WorkList
  208 emptyWorkList = WL { wl_eqs  = [], wl_rest = [], wl_implics = emptyBag }
  210 selectWorkItem :: WorkList -> Maybe (Ct, WorkList)
  211 -- See Note [Prioritise equalities]
  212 selectWorkItem wl@(WL { wl_eqs = eqs, wl_rest = rest })
  213   | ct:cts <- eqs  = Just (ct, wl { wl_eqs    = cts })
  214   | ct:cts <- rest = Just (ct, wl { wl_rest   = cts })
  215   | otherwise      = Nothing
  217 -- Pretty printing
  218 instance Outputable WorkList where
  219   ppr (WL { wl_eqs = eqs, wl_rest = rest, wl_implics = implics })
  220    = text "WL" <+> (braces $
  221      vcat [ ppUnless (null eqs) $
  222             text "Eqs =" <+> vcat (map ppr eqs)
  223           , ppUnless (null rest) $
  224             text "Non-eqs =" <+> vcat (map ppr rest)
  225           , ppUnless (isEmptyBag implics) $
  226             ifPprDebug (text "Implics =" <+> vcat (map ppr (bagToList implics)))
  227                        (text "(Implics omitted)")
  228           ])
  230 {- *********************************************************************
  231 *                                                                      *
  232                 InertSet: the inert set
  233 *                                                                      *
  234 *                                                                      *
  235 ********************************************************************* -}
  237 data InertSet
  238   = IS { inert_cans :: InertCans
  239               -- Canonical Given, Wanted, Derived
  240               -- Sometimes called "the inert set"
  242        , inert_cycle_breakers :: [(TcTyVar, TcType)]
  243               -- a list of CycleBreakerTv / original family applications
  244               -- used to undo the cycle-breaking needed to handle
  245               -- Note [Type variable cycles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
  247        , inert_famapp_cache :: FunEqMap Reduction
  248               -- Just a hash-cons cache for use when reducing family applications
  249               -- only
  250               --
  251               -- If    F tys :-> (co, rhs, flav),
  252               -- then  co :: F tys ~N rhs
  253               -- all evidence is from instances or Givens; no coercion holes here
  254               -- (We have no way of "kicking out" from the cache, so putting
  255               --  wanteds here means we can end up solving a Wanted with itself. Bad)
  257        , inert_solved_dicts   :: DictMap CtEvidence
  258               -- All Wanteds, of form ev :: C t1 .. tn
  259               -- See Note [Solved dictionaries]
  260               -- and Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
  261        }
  263 instance Outputable InertSet where
  264   ppr (IS { inert_cans = ics
  265           , inert_solved_dicts = solved_dicts })
  266       = vcat [ ppr ics
  267              , ppUnless (null dicts) $
  268                text "Solved dicts =" <+> vcat (map ppr dicts) ]
  269          where
  270            dicts = bagToList (dictsToBag solved_dicts)
  272 emptyInertCans :: InertCans
  273 emptyInertCans
  274   = IC { inert_eqs          = emptyDVarEnv
  275        , inert_given_eq_lvl = topTcLevel
  276        , inert_given_eqs    = False
  277        , inert_dicts        = emptyDictMap
  278        , inert_safehask     = emptyDictMap
  279        , inert_funeqs       = emptyFunEqs
  280        , inert_insts        = []
  281        , inert_irreds       = emptyCts
  282        , inert_blocked      = emptyCts }
  284 emptyInert :: InertSet
  285 emptyInert
  286   = IS { inert_cans           = emptyInertCans
  287        , inert_cycle_breakers = []
  288        , inert_famapp_cache   = emptyFunEqs
  289        , inert_solved_dicts   = emptyDictMap }
  292 {- Note [Solved dictionaries]
  293 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  294 When we apply a top-level instance declaration, we add the "solved"
  295 dictionary to the inert_solved_dicts.  In general, we use it to avoid
  296 creating a new EvVar when we have a new goal that we have solved in
  297 the past.
  299 But in particular, we can use it to create *recursive* dictionaries.
  300 The simplest, degenerate case is
  301     instance C [a] => C [a] where ...
  302 If we have
  303     [W] d1 :: C [x]
  304 then we can apply the instance to get
  305     d1 = $dfCList d
  306     [W] d2 :: C [x]
  307 Now 'd1' goes in inert_solved_dicts, and we can solve d2 directly from d1.
  308     d1 = $dfCList d
  309     d2 = d1
  311 See Note [Example of recursive dictionaries]
  315  (Solved Dictionary Invariant)
  316     Every member of the inert_solved_dicts is the result
  317     of applying an instance declaration that "takes a step"
  319     An instance "takes a step" if it has the form
  320         dfunDList d1 d2 = MkD (...) (...) (...)
  321     That is, the dfun is lazy in its arguments, and guarantees to
  322     immediately return a dictionary constructor.  NB: all dictionary
  323     data constructors are lazy in their arguments.
  325     This property is crucial to ensure that all dictionaries are
  326     non-bottom, which in turn ensures that the whole "recursive
  327     dictionary" idea works at all, even if we get something like
  328         rec { d = dfunDList d dx }
  329     See Note [Recursive superclasses] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.
  331  Reason:
  332    - All instances, except two exceptions listed below, "take a step"
  333      in the above sense
  335    - Exception 1: local quantified constraints have no such guarantee;
  336      indeed, adding a "solved dictionary" when appling a quantified
  337      constraint led to the ability to define unsafeCoerce
  338      in #17267.
  340    - Exception 2: the magic built-in instance for (~) has no
  341      such guarantee.  It behaves as if we had
  342          class    (a ~# b) => (a ~ b) where {}
  343          instance (a ~# b) => (a ~ b) where {}
  344      The "dfun" for the instance is strict in the coercion.
  345      Anyway there's no point in recording a "solved dict" for
  346      (t1 ~ t2); it's not going to allow a recursive dictionary
  347      to be constructed.  Ditto (~~) and Coercible.
  349 THEREFORE we only add a "solved dictionary"
  350   - when applying an instance declaration
  351   - subject to Exceptions 1 and 2 above
  353 In implementation terms
  354   - GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.addSolvedDict adds a new solved dictionary,
  355     conditional on the kind of instance
  357   - It is only called when applying an instance decl,
  358     in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.doTopReactDict
  360   - ClsInst.InstanceWhat says what kind of instance was
  361     used to solve the constraint.  In particular
  362       * LocalInstance identifies quantified constraints
  363       * BuiltinEqInstance identifies the strange built-in
  364         instances for equality.
  366   - ClsInst.instanceReturnsDictCon says which kind of
  367     instance guarantees to return a dictionary constructor
  369 Other notes about solved dictionaries
  371 * See also Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
  373 * The inert_solved_dicts field is not rewritten by equalities,
  374   so it may get out of date.
  376 * The inert_solved_dicts are all Wanteds, never givens
  378 * We only cache dictionaries from top-level instances, not from
  379   local quantified constraints.  Reason: if we cached the latter
  380   we'd need to purge the cache when bringing new quantified
  381   constraints into scope, because quantified constraints "shadow"
  382   top-level instances.
  384 Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
  385 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  386 Every member of inert_solved_dicts is the result of applying a
  387 dictionary function, NOT of applying superclass selection to anything.
  388 Consider
  390         class Ord a => C a where
  391         instance Ord [a] => C [a] where ...
  393 Suppose we are trying to solve
  394   [G] d1 : Ord a
  395   [W] d2 : C [a]
  397 Then we'll use the instance decl to give
  399   [G] d1 : Ord a     Solved: d2 : C [a] = $dfCList d3
  400   [W] d3 : Ord [a]
  402 We must not add d4 : Ord [a] to the 'solved' set (by taking the
  403 superclass of d2), otherwise we'll use it to solve d3, without ever
  404 using d1, which would be a catastrophe.
  406 Solution: when extending the solved dictionaries, do not add superclasses.
  407 That's why each element of the inert_solved_dicts is the result of applying
  408 a dictionary function.
  410 Note [Example of recursive dictionaries]
  411 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  412 --- Example 1
  414     data D r = ZeroD | SuccD (r (D r));
  416     instance (Eq (r (D r))) => Eq (D r) where
  417         ZeroD     == ZeroD     = True
  418         (SuccD a) == (SuccD b) = a == b
  419         _         == _         = False;
  421     equalDC :: D [] -> D [] -> Bool;
  422     equalDC = (==);
  424 We need to prove (Eq (D [])). Here's how we go:
  426    [W] d1 : Eq (D [])
  427 By instance decl of Eq (D r):
  428    [W] d2 : Eq [D []]      where   d1 = dfEqD d2
  429 By instance decl of Eq [a]:
  430    [W] d3 : Eq (D [])      where   d2 = dfEqList d3
  431                                    d1 = dfEqD d2
  432 Now this wanted can interact with our "solved" d1 to get:
  433     d3 = d1
  435 -- Example 2:
  436 This code arises in the context of "Scrap Your Boilerplate with Class"
  438     class Sat a
  439     class Data ctx a
  440     instance  Sat (ctx Char)             => Data ctx Char       -- dfunData1
  441     instance (Sat (ctx [a]), Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a]        -- dfunData2
  443     class Data Maybe a => Foo a
  445     instance Foo t => Sat (Maybe t)                             -- dfunSat
  447     instance Data Maybe a => Foo a                              -- dfunFoo1
  448     instance Foo a        => Foo [a]                            -- dfunFoo2
  449     instance                 Foo [Char]                         -- dfunFoo3
  451 Consider generating the superclasses of the instance declaration
  452          instance Foo a => Foo [a]
  454 So our problem is this
  455     [G] d0 : Foo t
  456     [W] d1 : Data Maybe [t]   -- Desired superclass
  458 We may add the given in the inert set, along with its superclasses
  459   Inert:
  460     [G] d0 : Foo t
  461     [G] d01 : Data Maybe t   -- Superclass of d0
  462   WorkList
  463     [W] d1 : Data Maybe [t]
  465 Solve d1 using instance dfunData2; d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
  466   Inert:
  467     [G] d0 : Foo t
  468     [G] d01 : Data Maybe t   -- Superclass of d0
  469   Solved:
  470         d1 : Data Maybe [t]
  471   WorkList:
  472     [W] d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
  473     [W] d3 : Data Maybe t
  475 Now, we may simplify d2 using dfunSat; d2 := dfunSat d4
  476   Inert:
  477     [G] d0 : Foo t
  478     [G] d01 : Data Maybe t   -- Superclass of d0
  479   Solved:
  480         d1 : Data Maybe [t]
  481         d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
  482   WorkList:
  483     [W] d3 : Data Maybe t
  484     [W] d4 : Foo [t]
  486 Now, we can just solve d3 from d01; d3 := d01
  487   Inert
  488     [G] d0 : Foo t
  489     [G] d01 : Data Maybe t   -- Superclass of d0
  490   Solved:
  491         d1 : Data Maybe [t]
  492         d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
  493   WorkList
  494     [W] d4 : Foo [t]
  496 Now, solve d4 using dfunFoo2;  d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
  497   Inert
  498     [G] d0  : Foo t
  499     [G] d01 : Data Maybe t   -- Superclass of d0
  500   Solved:
  501         d1 : Data Maybe [t]
  502         d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
  503         d4 : Foo [t]
  504   WorkList:
  505     [W] d5 : Foo t
  507 Now, d5 can be solved! d5 := d0
  509 Result
  510    d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
  511    d2 := dfunSat d4
  512    d3 := d01
  513    d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
  514    d5 := d0
  515 -}
  517 {- *********************************************************************
  518 *                                                                      *
  519                 InertCans: the canonical inerts
  520 *                                                                      *
  521 *                                                                      *
  522 ********************************************************************* -}
  524 {- Note [Tracking Given equalities]
  525 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  526 For reasons described in (UNTOUCHABLE) in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
  527 Note [Unification preconditions], we can't unify
  528    alpha[2] ~ Int
  529 under a level-4 implication if there are any Given equalities
  530 bound by the implications at level 3 of 4.  To that end, the
  531 InertCans tracks
  533   inert_given_eq_lvl :: TcLevel
  534      -- The TcLevel of the innermost implication that has a Given
  535      -- equality of the sort that make a unification variable untouchable
  536      -- (see Note [Unification preconditions] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify).
  538 We update inert_given_eq_lvl whenever we add a Given to the
  539 inert set, in updateGivenEqs.
  541 Then a unification variable alpha[n] is untouchable iff
  542     n < inert_given_eq_lvl
  543 that is, if the unification variable was born outside an
  544 enclosing Given equality.
  546 Exactly which constraints should trigger (UNTOUCHABLE), and hence
  547 should update inert_given_eq_lvl?
  549 * We do /not/ need to worry about let-bound skolems, such ast
  550      forall[2] a. a ~ [b] => blah
  551   See Note [Let-bound skolems]
  553 * Consider an implication
  554       forall[2]. beta[1] => alpha[1] ~ Int
  555   where beta is a unification variable that has already been unified
  556   to () in an outer scope.  Then alpha[1] is perfectly touchable and
  557   we can unify alpha := Int. So when deciding whether the givens contain
  558   an equality, we should canonicalise first, rather than just looking at
  559   the /original/ givens (#8644).
  561  * However, we must take account of *potential* equalities. Consider the
  562    same example again, but this time we have /not/ yet unified beta:
  563       forall[2] beta[1] => ...blah...
  565    Because beta might turn into an equality, updateGivenEqs conservatively
  566    treats it as a potential equality, and updates inert_give_eq_lvl
  568  * What about something like forall[2] a b. a ~ F b => [W] alpha[1] ~ X y z?
  570    That Given cannot affect the Wanted, because the Given is entirely
  571    *local*: it mentions only skolems bound in the very same
  572    implication. Such equalities need not make alpha untouchable. (Test
  573    case typecheck/should_compile/LocalGivenEqs has a real-life
  574    motivating example, with some detailed commentary.)
  575    Hence the 'mentionsOuterVar' test in updateGivenEqs.
  577    However, solely to support better error messages
  578    (see Note [HasGivenEqs] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint) we also track
  579    these "local" equalities in the boolean inert_given_eqs field.
  580    This field is used only to set the ic_given_eqs field to LocalGivenEqs;
  581    see the function getHasGivenEqs.
  583    Here is a simpler case that triggers this behaviour:
  585      data T where
  586        MkT :: F a ~ G b => a -> b -> T
  588      f (MkT _ _) = True
  590    Because of this behaviour around local equality givens, we can infer the
  591    type of f. This is typecheck/should_compile/LocalGivenEqs2.
  593  * We need not look at the equality relation involved (nominal vs
  594    representational), because representational equalities can still
  595    imply nominal ones. For example, if (G a ~R G b) and G's argument's
  596    role is nominal, then we can deduce a ~N b.
  598 Note [Let-bound skolems]
  599 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  600 If   * the inert set contains a canonical Given CEqCan (a ~ ty)
  601 and  * 'a' is a skolem bound in this very implication,
  603 then:
  604 a) The Given is pretty much a let-binding, like
  605       f :: (a ~ b->c) => a -> a
  606    Here the equality constraint is like saying
  607       let a = b->c in ...
  608    It is not adding any new, local equality  information,
  609    and hence can be ignored by has_given_eqs
  611 b) 'a' will have been completely substituted out in the inert set,
  612    so we can safely discard it.
  614 For an example, see #9211.
  616 See also GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify Note [Deeper level on the left] for how we ensure
  617 that the right variable is on the left of the equality when both are
  618 tyvars.
  620 You might wonder whether the skolem really needs to be bound "in the
  621 very same implication" as the equuality constraint.
  622 Consider this (c.f. #15009):
  624   data S a where
  625     MkS :: (a ~ Int) => S a
  627   g :: forall a. S a -> a -> blah
  628   g x y = let h = \z. ( z :: Int
  629                       , case x of
  630                            MkS -> [y,z])
  631           in ...
  633 From the type signature for `g`, we get `y::a` .  Then when we
  634 encounter the `\z`, we'll assign `z :: alpha[1]`, say.  Next, from the
  635 body of the lambda we'll get
  637   [W] alpha[1] ~ Int                             -- From z::Int
  638   [W] forall[2]. (a ~ Int) => [W] alpha[1] ~ a   -- From [y,z]
  640 Now, unify alpha := a.  Now we are stuck with an unsolved alpha~Int!
  641 So we must treat alpha as untouchable under the forall[2] implication.
  643 Note [Detailed InertCans Invariants]
  644 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  645 The InertCans represents a collection of constraints with the following properties:
  647   * All canonical
  649   * No two dictionaries with the same head
  650   * No two CIrreds with the same type
  652   * Family equations inert wrt top-level family axioms
  654   * Dictionaries have no matching top-level instance
  656   * Given family or dictionary constraints don't mention touchable
  657     unification variables
  659   * Non-CEqCan constraints are fully rewritten with respect
  660     to the CEqCan equalities (modulo eqCanRewrite of course;
  661     eg a wanted cannot rewrite a given)
  663   * CEqCan equalities: see Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities]
  664     Also see documentation in Constraint.Ct for a list of invariants
  666 Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities]
  667 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  668 Definition [Can-rewrite relation]
  669 A "can-rewrite" relation between flavours, written f1 >= f2, is a
  670 binary relation with the following properties
  672   (R1) >= is transitive
  673   (R2) If f1 >= f, and f2 >= f,
  674        then either f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1
  675   (See Note [Why R2?].)
  677 Lemma (L0). If f1 >= f then f1 >= f1
  678 Proof.      By property (R2), with f1=f2
  680 Definition [Generalised substitution]
  681 A "generalised substitution" S is a set of triples (lhs -f-> t), where
  682   lhs is a type variable or an exactly-saturated type family application
  683     (that is, lhs is a CanEqLHS)
  684   t is a type
  685   f is a flavour
  686 such that
  687   (WF1) if (lhs1 -f1-> t1) in S
  688            (lhs2 -f2-> t2) in S
  689         then (f1 >= f2) implies that lhs1 does not appear within lhs2
  690   (WF2) if (lhs -f-> t) is in S, then t /= lhs
  692 Definition [Applying a generalised substitution]
  693 If S is a generalised substitution
  694    S(f,t0) = t,  if (t0 -fs-> t) in S, and fs >= f
  695            = apply S to components of t0, otherwise
  696 See also Note [Flavours with roles].
  698 Theorem: S(f,t0) is well defined as a function.
  699 Proof: Suppose (lhs -f1-> t1) and (lhs -f2-> t2) are both in S,
  700                and  f1 >= f and f2 >= f
  701        Then by (R2) f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1, which contradicts (WF1)
  703 Notation: repeated application.
  704   S^0(f,t)     = t
  705   S^(n+1)(f,t) = S(f, S^n(t))
  707 Definition: terminating generalised substitution
  708 A generalised substitution S is *terminating* iff
  710   (IG1) there is an n such that
  711         for every f,t, S^n(f,t) = S^(n+1)(f,t)
  713 By (IG1) we define S*(f,t) to be the result of exahaustively
  714 applying S(f,_) to t.
  716 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  717 Our main invariant:
  718    the CEqCans in inert_eqs should be a terminating generalised substitution
  719 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  721 Note that termination is not the same as idempotence.  To apply S to a
  722 type, you may have to apply it recursively.  But termination does
  723 guarantee that this recursive use will terminate.
  725 Note [Why R2?]
  726 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  727 R2 states that, if we have f1 >= f and f2 >= f, then either f1 >= f2 or f2 >=
  728 f1. If we do not have R2, we will easily fall into a loop.
  730 To see why, imagine we have f1 >= f, f2 >= f, and that's it. Then, let our
  731 inert set S = {a -f1-> b, b -f2-> a}. Computing S(f,a) does not terminate. And
  732 yet, we have a hard time noticing an occurs-check problem when building S, as
  733 the two equalities cannot rewrite one another.
  735 R2 actually restricts our ability to accept user-written programs. See
  736 Note [Deriveds do rewrite Deriveds] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint for an example.
  738 Note [Rewritable]
  739 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  740 This Note defines what it means for a type variable or type family application
  741 (that is, a CanEqLHS) to be rewritable in a type. This definition is used
  742 by the anyRewritableXXX family of functions and is meant to model the actual
  743 behaviour in GHC.Tc.Solver.Rewrite.
  745 Ignoring roles (for now): A CanEqLHS lhs is *rewritable* in a type t if the
  746 lhs tree appears as a subtree within t without traversing any of the following
  747 components of t:
  748   * coercions (whether they appear in casts CastTy or as arguments CoercionTy)
  749   * kinds of variable occurrences
  750 The check for rewritability *does* look in kinds of the bound variable of a
  751 ForAllTy.
  753 Goal: If lhs is not rewritable in t, then t is a fixpoint of the generalised
  754 substitution containing only {lhs -f*-> t'}, where f* is a flavour such that f* >= f
  755 for all f.
  757 The reason for this definition is that the rewriter does not rewrite in coercions
  758 or variables' kinds. In turn, the rewriter does not need to rewrite there because
  759 those places are never used for controlling the behaviour of the solver: these
  760 places are not used in matching instances or in decomposing equalities.
  762 There is one exception to the claim that non-rewritable parts of the tree do
  763 not affect the solver: we sometimes do an occurs-check to decide e.g. how to
  764 orient an equality. (See the comments on
  765 GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canEqTyVarFunEq.) Accordingly, the presence of a
  766 variable in a kind or coercion just might influence the solver. Here is an
  767 example:
  769   type family Const x y where
  770     Const x y = x
  772   AxConst :: forall x y. Const x y ~# x
  774   alpha :: Const Type Nat
  775   [W] alpha ~ Int |> (sym (AxConst Type alpha) ;;
  776                       AxConst Type alpha ;;
  777                       sym (AxConst Type Nat))
  779 The cast is clearly ludicrous (it ties together a cast and its symmetric version),
  780 but we can't quite rule it out. (See (EQ1) from
  781 Note [Respecting definitional equality] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep to see why we need
  782 the Const Type Nat bit.) And yet this cast will (quite rightly) prevent alpha
  783 from unifying with the RHS. I (Richard E) don't have an example of where this
  784 problem can arise from a Haskell program, but we don't have an air-tight argument
  785 for why the definition of *rewritable* given here is correct.
  787 Taking roles into account: we must consider a rewrite at a given role. That is,
  788 a rewrite arises from some equality, and that equality has a role associated
  789 with it. As we traverse a type, we track what role we are allowed to rewrite with.
  791 For example, suppose we have an inert [G] b ~R# Int. Then b is rewritable in
  792 Maybe b but not in F b, where F is a type function. This role-aware logic is
  793 present in both the anyRewritableXXX functions and in the rewriter.
  794 See also Note [anyRewritableTyVar must be role-aware] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType.
  796 Note [Extending the inert equalities]
  797 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  798 Main Theorem [Stability under extension]
  799    Suppose we have a "work item"
  800        lhs -fw-> t
  801    and a terminating generalised substitution S,
  802    THEN the extended substitution T = S+(lhs -fw-> t)
  803         is a terminating generalised substitution
  804    PROVIDED
  805       (T1) S(fw,lhs) = lhs   -- LHS of work-item is a fixpoint of S(fw,_)
  806       (T2) S(fw,t)   = t     -- RHS of work-item is a fixpoint of S(fw,_)
  807       (T3) lhs not in t      -- No occurs check in the work item
  808           -- If lhs is a type family application, we require only that
  809           -- lhs is not *rewritable* in t. See Note [Rewritable] and
  810           -- Note [CEqCan occurs check] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint.
  812       AND, for every (lhs1 -fs-> s) in S:
  813            (K0) not (fw >= fs)
  814                 Reason: suppose we kick out (lhs1 -fs-> s),
  815                         and add (lhs -fw-> t) to the inert set.
  816                         The latter can't rewrite the former,
  817                         so the kick-out achieved nothing
  819               -- From here, we can assume fw >= fs
  820            OR (K4) lhs1 is a tyvar AND fs >= fw
  822            OR { (K1) lhs is not rewritable in lhs1. See Note [Rewritable].
  823                      Reason: if fw >= fs, WF1 says we can't have both
  824                              lhs0 -fw-> t  and  F lhs0 -fs-> s
  826                 AND (K2): guarantees termination of the new substitution
  827                     {  (K2a) not (fs >= fs)
  828                     OR (K2b) lhs not in s }
  830                 AND (K3) See Note [K3: completeness of solving]
  831                     { (K3a) If the role of fs is nominal: s /= lhs
  832                       (K3b) If the role of fs is representational:
  833                             s is not of form (lhs t1 .. tn) } }
  836 Conditions (T1-T3) are established by the canonicaliser
  837 Conditions (K1-K3) are established by GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.kickOutRewritable
  839 The idea is that
  840 * T1 and T2 are guaranteed by exhaustively rewriting the work-item
  841   with S(fw,_).
  843 * T3 is guaranteed by an occurs-check on the work item.
  844   This is done during canonicalisation, in checkTypeEq; invariant
  845   (TyEq:OC) of CEqCan. See also Note [CEqCan occurs check] in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint.
  847 * (K1-3) are the "kick-out" criteria.  (As stated, they are really the
  848   "keep" criteria.) If the current inert S contains a triple that does
  849   not satisfy (K1-3), then we remove it from S by "kicking it out",
  850   and re-processing it.
  852 * Note that kicking out is a Bad Thing, because it means we have to
  853   re-process a constraint.  The less we kick out, the better.
  854   TODO: Make sure that kicking out really *is* a Bad Thing. We've assumed
  855   this but haven't done the empirical study to check.
  857 * Assume we have  G>=G, G>=W and that's all.  Then, when performing
  858   a unification we add a new given  a -G-> ty.  But doing so does NOT require
  859   us to kick out an inert wanted that mentions a, because of (K2a).  This
  860   is a common case, hence good not to kick out. See also (K2a) below.
  862 * Lemma (L2): if not (fw >= fw), then K0 holds and we kick out nothing
  863   Proof: using Definition [Can-rewrite relation], fw can't rewrite anything
  864          and so K0 holds.  Intuitively, since fw can't rewrite anything (Lemma (L0)),
  865          adding it cannot cause any loops
  866   This is a common case, because Wanteds cannot rewrite Wanteds.
  867   It's used to avoid even looking for constraint to kick out.
  869 * Lemma (L1): The conditions of the Main Theorem imply that there is no
  870               (lhs -fs-> t) in S, s.t.  (fs >= fw).
  871   Proof. Suppose the contrary (fs >= fw).  Then because of (T1),
  872   S(fw,lhs)=lhs.  But since fs>=fw, S(fw,lhs) = t, hence t=lhs.  But now we
  873   have (lhs -fs-> lhs) in S, which contradicts (WF2).
  875 * The extended substitution satisfies (WF1) and (WF2)
  876   - (K1) plus (L1) guarantee that the extended substitution satisfies (WF1).
  877   - (T3) guarantees (WF2).
  879 * (K2) and (K4) are about termination.  Intuitively, any infinite chain S^0(f,t),
  880   S^1(f,t), S^2(f,t).... must pass through the new work item infinitely
  881   often, since the substitution without the work item is terminating; and must
  882   pass through at least one of the triples in S infinitely often.
  884   - (K2a): if not(fs>=fs) then there is no f that fs can rewrite (fs>=f)
  885     (this is Lemma (L0)), and hence this triple never plays a role in application S(f,t).
  886     It is always safe to extend S with such a triple.
  888     (NB: we could strengten K1) in this way too, but see K3.
  890   - (K2b): if lhs not in s, we have no further opportunity to apply the
  891     work item
  893   - (K4): See Note [K4]
  895 * Lemma (L3). Suppose we have f* such that, for all f, f* >= f. Then
  896   if we are adding lhs -fw-> t (where T1, T2, and T3 hold), we will keep a -f*-> s.
  897   Proof. K4 holds; thus, we keep.
  899 Key lemma to make it watertight.
  900   Under the conditions of the Main Theorem,
  901   forall f st fw >= f, a is not in S^k(f,t), for any k
  903 Also, consider roles more carefully. See Note [Flavours with roles]
  905 Note [K4]
  906 ~~~~~~~~~
  907 K4 is a "keep" condition of Note [Extending the inert equalities].
  908 Here is the scenario:
  910 * We are considering adding (lhs -fw-> t) to the inert set S.
  911 * S already has (lhs1 -fs-> s).
  912 * We know S(fw, lhs) = lhs, S(fw, t) = t, and lhs is not rewritable in t.
  913   See Note [Rewritable]. These are (T1), (T2), and (T3).
  914 * We further know fw >= fs. (If not, then we short-circuit via (K0).)
  916 K4 says that we may keep lhs1 -fs-> s in S if:
  917   lhs1 is a tyvar AND fs >= fw
  919 Why K4 guarantees termination:
  920   * If fs >= fw, we know a is not rewritable in t, because of (T2).
  921   * We further know lhs /= a, because of (T1).
  922   * Accordingly, a use of the new inert item lhs -fw-> t cannot create the conditions
  923     for a use of a -fs-> s (precisely because t does not mention a), and hence,
  924     the extended substitution (with lhs -fw-> t in it) is a terminating
  925     generalised substitution.
  927 Recall that the termination generalised substitution includes only mappings that
  928 pass an occurs check. This is (T3). At one point, we worried that the
  929 argument here would fail if s mentioned a, but (T3) rules out this possibility.
  930 Put another way: the terminating generalised substitution considers only the inert_eqs,
  931 not other parts of the inert set (such as the irreds).
  933 Can we liberalise K4? No.
  935 Why we cannot drop the (fs >= fw) condition:
  936   * Suppose not (fs >= fw). It might be the case that t mentions a, and this
  937     can cause a loop. Example:
  939       Work:  [G] b ~ a
  940       Inert: [D] a ~ b
  942     (where G >= G, G >= D, and D >= D)
  943     If we don't kick out the inert, then we get a loop on e.g. [D] a ~ Int.
  945   * Note that the above example is different if the inert is a Given G, because
  946     (T1) won't hold.
  948 Why we cannot drop the tyvar condition:
  949   * Presume fs >= fw. Thus, F tys is not rewritable in t, because of (T2).
  950   * Can the use of lhs -fw-> t create the conditions for a use of F tys -fs-> s?
  951     Yes! This can happen if t appears within tys.
  953     Here is an example:
  955       Work:  [G] a ~ Int
  956       Inert: [G] F Int ~ F a
  958     Now, if we have [W] F a ~ Bool, we will rewrite ad infinitum on the left-hand
  959     side. The key reason why K2b works in the tyvar case is that tyvars are atomic:
  960     if the right-hand side of an equality does not mention a variable a, then it
  961     cannot allow an equality with an LHS of a to fire. This is not the case for
  962     type family applications.
  964 Bottom line: K4 can keep only inerts with tyvars on the left. Put differently,
  965 K4 will never prevent an inert with a type family on the left from being kicked
  966 out.
  968 Consequence: We never kick out a Given/Nominal equality with a tyvar on the left.
  969 This is Lemma (L3) of Note [Extending the inert equalities]. It is good because
  970 it means we can effectively model the mutable filling of metavariables with
  971 Given/Nominal equalities. That is: it should be the case that we could rewrite
  972 our solver never to fill in a metavariable; instead, it would "solve" a wanted
  973 like alpha ~ Int by turning it into a Given, allowing it to be used in rewriting.
  974 We would want the solver to behave the same whether it uses metavariables or
  975 Givens. And (L3) says that no Given/Nominals over tyvars are ever kicked out,
  976 just like we never unfill a metavariable. Nice.
  978 Getting this wrong (that is, allowing K4 to apply to situations with the type
  979 family on the left) led to #19042. (At that point, K4 was known as K2b.)
  981 Originally, this condition was part of K2, but #17672 suggests it should be
  982 a top-level K condition.
  984 Note [K3: completeness of solving]
  985 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  986 (K3) is not necessary for the extended substitution
  987 to be terminating.  In fact K1 could be made stronger by saying
  988    ... then (not (fw >= fs) or not (fs >= fs))
  989 But it's not enough for S to be terminating; we also want completeness.
  990 That is, we want to be able to solve all soluble wanted equalities.
  991 Suppose we have
  993    work-item   b -G-> a
  994    inert-item  a -W-> b
  996 Assuming (G >= W) but not (W >= W), this fulfills all the conditions,
  997 so we could extend the inerts, thus:
  999    inert-items   b -G-> a
 1000                  a -W-> b
 1002 But if we kicked-out the inert item, we'd get
 1004    work-item     a -W-> b
 1005    inert-item    b -G-> a
 1007 Then rewrite the work-item gives us (a -W-> a), which is soluble via Refl.
 1008 So we add one more clause to the kick-out criteria
 1010 Another way to understand (K3) is that we treat an inert item
 1011         a -f-> b
 1012 in the same way as
 1013         b -f-> a
 1014 So if we kick out one, we should kick out the other.  The orientation
 1015 is somewhat accidental.
 1017 When considering roles, we also need the second clause (K3b). Consider
 1019   work-item    c -G/N-> a
 1020   inert-item   a -W/R-> b c
 1022 The work-item doesn't get rewritten by the inert, because (>=) doesn't hold.
 1023 But we don't kick out the inert item because not (W/R >= W/R).  So we just
 1024 add the work item. But then, consider if we hit the following:
 1026   work-item    b -G/N-> Id
 1027   inert-items  a -W/R-> b c
 1028                c -G/N-> a
 1029 where
 1030   newtype Id x = Id x
 1032 For similar reasons, if we only had (K3a), we wouldn't kick the
 1033 representational inert out. And then, we'd miss solving the inert, which
 1034 now reduced to reflexivity.
 1036 The solution here is to kick out representational inerts whenever the
 1037 lhs of a work item is "exposed", where exposed means being at the
 1038 head of the top-level application chain (lhs t1 .. tn).  See
 1039 is_can_eq_lhs_head. This is encoded in (K3b).
 1041 Beware: if we make this test succeed too often, we kick out too much,
 1042 and the solver might loop.  Consider (#14363)
 1043   work item:   [G] a ~R f b
 1044   inert item:  [G] b ~R f a
 1045 In GHC 8.2 the completeness tests more aggressive, and kicked out
 1046 the inert item; but no rewriting happened and there was an infinite
 1047 loop.  All we need is to have the tyvar at the head.
 1049 Note [Flavours with roles]
 1050 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 1051 The system described in Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities]
 1052 discusses an abstract
 1053 set of flavours. In GHC, flavours have two components: the flavour proper,
 1054 taken from {Wanted, Derived, Given} and the equality relation (often called
 1055 role), taken from {NomEq, ReprEq}.
 1056 When substituting w.r.t. the inert set,
 1057 as described in Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities],
 1058 we must be careful to respect all components of a flavour.
 1059 For example, if we have
 1061   inert set: a -G/R-> Int
 1062              b -G/R-> Bool
 1064   type role T nominal representational
 1066 and we wish to compute S(W/R, T a b), the correct answer is T a Bool, NOT
 1067 T Int Bool. The reason is that T's first parameter has a nominal role, and
 1068 thus rewriting a to Int in T a b is wrong. Indeed, this non-congruence of
 1069 substitution means that the proof in Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities] may
 1070 need to be revisited, but we don't think that the end conclusion is wrong.
 1071 -}
 1073 data InertCans   -- See Note [Detailed InertCans Invariants] for more
 1074   = IC { inert_eqs :: InertEqs
 1075               -- See Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities]
 1076               -- All CEqCans with a TyVarLHS; index is the LHS tyvar
 1077               -- Domain = skolems and untouchables; a touchable would be unified
 1079        , inert_funeqs :: FunEqMap EqualCtList
 1080               -- All CEqCans with a TyFamLHS; index is the whole family head type.
 1081               -- LHS is fully rewritten (modulo eqCanRewrite constraints)
 1082               --     wrt inert_eqs
 1083               -- Can include all flavours, [G], [W], [WD], [D]
 1085        , inert_dicts :: DictMap Ct
 1086               -- Dictionaries only
 1087               -- All fully rewritten (modulo flavour constraints)
 1088               --     wrt inert_eqs
 1090        , inert_insts :: [QCInst]
 1092        , inert_safehask :: DictMap Ct
 1093               -- Failed dictionary resolution due to Safe Haskell overlapping
 1094               -- instances restriction. We keep this separate from inert_dicts
 1095               -- as it doesn't cause compilation failure, just safe inference
 1096               -- failure.
 1097               --
 1098               -- ^ See Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances Implementation]
 1099               -- in GHC.Tc.Solver
 1101        , inert_irreds :: Cts
 1102               -- Irreducible predicates that cannot be made canonical,
 1103               --     and which don't interact with others (e.g.  (c a))
 1104               -- and insoluble predicates (e.g.  Int ~ Bool, or a ~ [a])
 1106        , inert_blocked :: Cts
 1107               -- Equality predicates blocked on a coercion hole.
 1108               -- Each Ct is a CIrredCan with cc_reason = HoleBlockerReason
 1109               -- See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
 1110               -- wrinkle (2)
 1111               -- These are stored separately from inert_irreds because
 1112               -- they get kicked out for different reasons
 1114        , inert_given_eq_lvl :: TcLevel
 1115               -- The TcLevel of the innermost implication that has a Given
 1116               -- equality of the sort that make a unification variable untouchable
 1117               -- (see Note [Unification preconditions] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify).
 1118               -- See Note [Tracking Given equalities]
 1120        , inert_given_eqs :: Bool
 1121               -- True <=> The inert Givens *at this level* (tcl_tclvl)
 1122               --          could includes at least one equality /other than/ a
 1123               --          let-bound skolem equality.
 1124               -- Reason: report these givens when reporting a failed equality
 1125               -- See Note [Tracking Given equalities]
 1126        }
 1128 type InertEqs    = DTyVarEnv EqualCtList
 1130 instance Outputable InertCans where
 1131   ppr (IC { inert_eqs = eqs
 1132           , inert_funeqs = funeqs
 1133           , inert_dicts = dicts
 1134           , inert_safehask = safehask
 1135           , inert_irreds = irreds
 1136           , inert_blocked = blocked
 1137           , inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl
 1138           , inert_given_eqs = given_eqs
 1139           , inert_insts = insts })
 1141     = braces $ vcat
 1142       [ ppUnless (isEmptyDVarEnv eqs) $
 1143         text "Equalities:"
 1144           <+> pprCts (foldDVarEnv folder emptyCts eqs)
 1145       , ppUnless (isEmptyTcAppMap funeqs) $
 1146         text "Type-function equalities =" <+> pprCts (foldFunEqs folder funeqs emptyCts)
 1147       , ppUnless (isEmptyTcAppMap dicts) $
 1148         text "Dictionaries =" <+> pprCts (dictsToBag dicts)
 1149       , ppUnless (isEmptyTcAppMap safehask) $
 1150         text "Safe Haskell unsafe overlap =" <+> pprCts (dictsToBag safehask)
 1151       , ppUnless (isEmptyCts irreds) $
 1152         text "Irreds =" <+> pprCts irreds
 1153       , ppUnless (isEmptyCts blocked) $
 1154         text "Blocked =" <+> pprCts blocked
 1155       , ppUnless (null insts) $
 1156         text "Given instances =" <+> vcat (map ppr insts)
 1157       , text "Innermost given equalities =" <+> ppr ge_lvl
 1158       , text "Given eqs at this level =" <+> ppr given_eqs
 1159       ]
 1160     where
 1161       folder (EqualCtList eqs) rest = nonEmptyToBag eqs `andCts` rest
 1163 {- *********************************************************************
 1164 *                                                                      *
 1165                    Inert equalities
 1166 *                                                                      *
 1167 ********************************************************************* -}
 1169 addTyEq :: InertEqs -> TcTyVar -> Ct -> InertEqs
 1170 addTyEq old_eqs tv ct
 1171   = extendDVarEnv_C add_eq old_eqs tv (unitEqualCtList ct)
 1172   where
 1173     add_eq old_eqs _ = addToEqualCtList ct old_eqs
 1175 addCanFunEq :: FunEqMap EqualCtList -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> Ct
 1176             -> FunEqMap EqualCtList
 1177 addCanFunEq old_eqs fun_tc fun_args ct
 1178   = alterTcApp old_eqs fun_tc fun_args upd
 1179   where
 1180     upd (Just old_equal_ct_list) = Just $ addToEqualCtList ct old_equal_ct_list
 1181     upd Nothing                  = Just $ unitEqualCtList ct
 1183 foldTyEqs :: (Ct -> b -> b) -> InertEqs -> b -> b
 1184 foldTyEqs k eqs z
 1185   = foldDVarEnv (\(EqualCtList cts) z -> foldr k z cts) z eqs
 1187 findTyEqs :: InertCans -> TyVar -> [Ct]
 1188 findTyEqs icans tv = maybe [] id (fmap @Maybe equalCtListToList $
 1189                                   lookupDVarEnv (inert_eqs icans) tv)
 1191 delEq :: InertCans -> CanEqLHS -> TcType -> InertCans
 1192 delEq ic lhs rhs = case lhs of
 1193     TyVarLHS tv
 1194       -> ic { inert_eqs = alterDVarEnv upd (inert_eqs ic) tv }
 1195     TyFamLHS tf args
 1196       -> ic { inert_funeqs = alterTcApp (inert_funeqs ic) tf args upd }
 1197   where
 1198     isThisOne :: Ct -> Bool
 1199     isThisOne (CEqCan { cc_rhs = t1 }) = tcEqTypeNoKindCheck rhs t1
 1200     isThisOne other = pprPanic "delEq" (ppr lhs $$ ppr ic $$ ppr other)
 1202     upd :: Maybe EqualCtList -> Maybe EqualCtList
 1203     upd (Just eq_ct_list) = filterEqualCtList (not . isThisOne) eq_ct_list
 1204     upd Nothing           = Nothing
 1206 findEq :: InertCans -> CanEqLHS -> [Ct]
 1207 findEq icans (TyVarLHS tv) = findTyEqs icans tv
 1208 findEq icans (TyFamLHS fun_tc fun_args)
 1209   = maybe [] id (fmap @Maybe equalCtListToList $
 1210                  findFunEq (inert_funeqs icans) fun_tc fun_args)
 1212 {- *********************************************************************
 1213 *                                                                      *
 1214                 Adding to and removing from the inert set
 1215 *                                                                      *
 1216 *                                                                      *
 1217 ********************************************************************* -}
 1219 addInertItem :: TcLevel -> InertCans -> Ct -> InertCans
 1220 addInertItem tc_lvl
 1221              ics@(IC { inert_funeqs = funeqs, inert_eqs = eqs })
 1222              item@(CEqCan { cc_lhs = lhs })
 1223   = updateGivenEqs tc_lvl item $
 1224     case lhs of
 1225        TyFamLHS tc tys -> ics { inert_funeqs = addCanFunEq funeqs tc tys item }
 1226        TyVarLHS tv     -> ics { inert_eqs    = addTyEq eqs tv item }
 1228 addInertItem tc_lvl ics@(IC { inert_blocked = blocked })
 1229              item@(CIrredCan { cc_reason = HoleBlockerReason {}})
 1230   = updateGivenEqs tc_lvl item $  -- this item is always an equality
 1231     ics { inert_blocked = blocked `snocBag` item }
 1233 addInertItem tc_lvl ics@(IC { inert_irreds = irreds }) item@(CIrredCan {})
 1234   = updateGivenEqs tc_lvl item $   -- An Irred might turn out to be an
 1235                                  -- equality, so we play safe
 1236     ics { inert_irreds = irreds `snocBag` item }
 1238 addInertItem _ ics item@(CDictCan { cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = tys })
 1239   = ics { inert_dicts = addDictCt (inert_dicts ics) (classTyCon cls) tys item }
 1241 addInertItem _ ics@( IC { inert_irreds = irreds }) item@(CSpecialCan {})
 1242   = ics { inert_irreds = irreds `snocBag` item }
 1244 addInertItem _ _ item
 1245   = pprPanic "upd_inert set: can't happen! Inserting " $
 1246     ppr item   -- Can't be CNonCanonical because they only land in inert_irreds
 1248 updateGivenEqs :: TcLevel -> Ct -> InertCans -> InertCans
 1249 -- Set the inert_given_eq_level to the current level (tclvl)
 1250 -- if the constraint is a given equality that should prevent
 1251 -- filling in an outer unification variable.
 1252 -- See Note [Tracking Given equalities]
 1253 updateGivenEqs tclvl ct inerts@(IC { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl })
 1254   | not (isGivenCt ct) = inerts
 1255   | not_equality ct    = inerts -- See Note [Let-bound skolems]
 1256   | otherwise          = inerts { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl'
 1257                                 , inert_given_eqs    = True }
 1258   where
 1259     ge_lvl' | mentionsOuterVar tclvl (ctEvidence ct)
 1260               -- Includes things like (c a), which *might* be an equality
 1261             = tclvl
 1262             | otherwise
 1263             = ge_lvl
 1265     not_equality :: Ct -> Bool
 1266     -- True <=> definitely not an equality of any kind
 1267     --          except for a let-bound skolem, which doesn't count
 1268     --          See Note [Let-bound skolems]
 1269     -- NB: no need to spot the boxed CDictCan (a ~ b) because its
 1270     --     superclass (a ~# b) will be a CEqCan
 1271     not_equality (CEqCan { cc_lhs = TyVarLHS tv }) = not (isOuterTyVar tclvl tv)
 1272     not_equality (CDictCan {})                     = True
 1273     not_equality _                                 = False
 1275 kickOutRewritableLHS :: CtFlavourRole  -- Flavour/role of the equality that
 1276                                        -- is being added to the inert set
 1277                      -> CanEqLHS       -- The new equality is lhs ~ ty
 1278                      -> InertCans
 1279                      -> (WorkList, InertCans)
 1280 -- See Note [kickOutRewritable]
 1281 kickOutRewritableLHS new_fr new_lhs
 1282                      ics@(IC { inert_eqs      = tv_eqs
 1283                              , inert_dicts    = dictmap
 1284                              , inert_funeqs   = funeqmap
 1285                              , inert_irreds   = irreds
 1286                              , inert_insts    = old_insts })
 1287   | not (new_fr `eqMayRewriteFR` new_fr)
 1288   = (emptyWorkList, ics)
 1289         -- If new_fr can't rewrite itself, it can't rewrite
 1290         -- anything else, so no need to kick out anything.
 1291         -- (This is a common case: wanteds can't rewrite wanteds)
 1292         -- Lemma (L2) in Note [Extending the inert equalities]
 1294   | otherwise
 1295   = (kicked_out, inert_cans_in)
 1296   where
 1297     -- inert_safehask stays unchanged; is that right?
 1298     inert_cans_in = ics { inert_eqs      = tv_eqs_in
 1299                         , inert_dicts    = dicts_in
 1300                         , inert_funeqs   = feqs_in
 1301                         , inert_irreds   = irs_in
 1302                         , inert_insts    = insts_in }
 1304     kicked_out :: WorkList
 1305     -- NB: use extendWorkList to ensure that kicked-out equalities get priority
 1306     -- See Note [Prioritise equalities] (Kick-out).
 1307     -- The irreds may include non-canonical (hetero-kinded) equality
 1308     -- constraints, which perhaps may have become soluble after new_lhs
 1309     -- is substituted; ditto the dictionaries, which may include (a~b)
 1310     -- or (a~~b) constraints.
 1311     kicked_out = foldr extendWorkListCt
 1312                           (emptyWorkList { wl_eqs = tv_eqs_out ++ feqs_out })
 1313                           ((dicts_out `andCts` irs_out)
 1314                             `extendCtsList` insts_out)
 1316     (tv_eqs_out, tv_eqs_in) = foldDVarEnv (kick_out_eqs extend_tv_eqs)
 1317                                           ([], emptyDVarEnv) tv_eqs
 1318     (feqs_out,   feqs_in)   = foldFunEqs  (kick_out_eqs extend_fun_eqs)
 1319                                           funeqmap ([], emptyFunEqs)
 1320     (dicts_out,  dicts_in)  = partitionDicts   kick_out_ct dictmap
 1321     (irs_out,    irs_in)    = partitionBag     kick_out_ct irreds
 1322       -- Kick out even insolubles: See Note [Rewrite insolubles]
 1323       -- Of course we must kick out irreducibles like (c a), in case
 1324       -- we can rewrite 'c' to something more useful
 1326     -- Kick-out for inert instances
 1327     -- See Note [Quantified constraints] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
 1328     insts_out :: [Ct]
 1329     insts_in  :: [QCInst]
 1330     (insts_out, insts_in)
 1331        | fr_may_rewrite (Given, NomEq)  -- All the insts are Givens
 1332        = partitionWith kick_out_qci old_insts
 1333        | otherwise
 1334        = ([], old_insts)
 1335     kick_out_qci qci
 1336       | let ev = qci_ev qci
 1337       , fr_can_rewrite_ty NomEq (ctEvPred (qci_ev qci))
 1338       = Left (mkNonCanonical ev)
 1339       | otherwise
 1340       = Right qci
 1342     (_, new_role) = new_fr
 1344     fr_tv_can_rewrite_ty :: TyVar -> EqRel -> Type -> Bool
 1345     fr_tv_can_rewrite_ty new_tv role ty
 1346       = anyRewritableTyVar True role can_rewrite ty
 1347                   -- True: ignore casts and coercions
 1348       where
 1349         can_rewrite :: EqRel -> TyVar -> Bool
 1350         can_rewrite old_role tv = new_role `eqCanRewrite` old_role && tv == new_tv
 1352     fr_tf_can_rewrite_ty :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> EqRel -> Type -> Bool
 1353     fr_tf_can_rewrite_ty new_tf new_tf_args role ty
 1354       = anyRewritableTyFamApp role can_rewrite ty
 1355       where
 1356         can_rewrite :: EqRel -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> Bool
 1357         can_rewrite old_role old_tf old_tf_args
 1358           = new_role `eqCanRewrite` old_role &&
 1359             tcEqTyConApps new_tf new_tf_args old_tf old_tf_args
 1360               -- it's possible for old_tf_args to have too many. This is fine;
 1361               -- we'll only check what we need to.
 1363     {-# INLINE fr_can_rewrite_ty #-}   -- perform the check here only once
 1364     fr_can_rewrite_ty :: EqRel -> Type -> Bool
 1365     fr_can_rewrite_ty = case new_lhs of
 1366       TyVarLHS new_tv             -> fr_tv_can_rewrite_ty new_tv
 1367       TyFamLHS new_tf new_tf_args -> fr_tf_can_rewrite_ty new_tf new_tf_args
 1369     fr_may_rewrite :: CtFlavourRole -> Bool
 1370     fr_may_rewrite fs = new_fr `eqMayRewriteFR` fs
 1371         -- Can the new item rewrite the inert item?
 1373     {-# INLINE kick_out_ct #-}   -- perform case on new_lhs here only once
 1374     kick_out_ct :: Ct -> Bool
 1375     -- Kick it out if the new CEqCan can rewrite the inert one
 1376     -- See Note [kickOutRewritable]
 1377     kick_out_ct = case new_lhs of
 1378       TyVarLHS new_tv -> \ct -> let fs@(_,role) = ctFlavourRole ct in
 1379                                 fr_may_rewrite fs
 1380                              && fr_tv_can_rewrite_ty new_tv role (ctPred ct)
 1381       TyFamLHS new_tf new_tf_args
 1382         -> \ct -> let fs@(_, role) = ctFlavourRole ct in
 1383                   fr_may_rewrite fs
 1384                && fr_tf_can_rewrite_ty new_tf new_tf_args role (ctPred ct)
 1386     extend_tv_eqs :: InertEqs -> CanEqLHS -> EqualCtList -> InertEqs
 1387     extend_tv_eqs eqs (TyVarLHS tv) cts = extendDVarEnv eqs tv cts
 1388     extend_tv_eqs eqs other _cts = pprPanic "extend_tv_eqs" (ppr eqs $$ ppr other)
 1390     extend_fun_eqs :: FunEqMap EqualCtList -> CanEqLHS -> EqualCtList
 1391                    -> FunEqMap EqualCtList
 1392     extend_fun_eqs eqs (TyFamLHS fam_tc fam_args) cts
 1393       = insertTcApp eqs fam_tc fam_args cts
 1394     extend_fun_eqs eqs other _cts = pprPanic "extend_fun_eqs" (ppr eqs $$ ppr other)
 1396     kick_out_eqs :: (container -> CanEqLHS -> EqualCtList -> container)
 1397                  -> EqualCtList -> ([Ct], container)
 1398                  -> ([Ct], container)
 1399     kick_out_eqs extend eqs (acc_out, acc_in)
 1400       = (eqs_out `chkAppend` acc_out, case listToEqualCtList eqs_in of
 1401             Nothing -> acc_in
 1402             Just eqs_in_ecl@(EqualCtList (eq1 :| _))
 1403                     -> extend acc_in (cc_lhs eq1) eqs_in_ecl)
 1404       where
 1405         (eqs_out, eqs_in) = partition kick_out_eq (equalCtListToList eqs)
 1407     -- Implements criteria K1-K3 in Note [Extending the inert equalities]
 1408     kick_out_eq (CEqCan { cc_lhs = lhs, cc_rhs = rhs_ty
 1409                         , cc_ev = ev, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel })
 1410       | not (fr_may_rewrite fs)
 1411       = False  -- (K0) Keep it in the inert set if the new thing can't rewrite it
 1413       -- Below here (fr_may_rewrite fs) is True
 1415       | TyVarLHS _ <- lhs
 1416       , fs `eqMayRewriteFR` new_fr
 1417       = False  -- (K4) Keep it in the inert set if the LHS is a tyvar and
 1418                -- it can rewrite the work item. See Note [K4]
 1420       | fr_can_rewrite_ty eq_rel (canEqLHSType lhs)
 1421       = True   -- (K1)
 1422          -- The above check redundantly checks the role & flavour,
 1423          -- but it's very convenient
 1425       | kick_out_for_inertness    = True   -- (K2)
 1426       | kick_out_for_completeness = True   -- (K3)
 1427       | otherwise                 = False
 1429       where
 1430         fs = (ctEvFlavour ev, eq_rel)
 1431         kick_out_for_inertness
 1432           =    (fs `eqMayRewriteFR` fs)           -- (K2a)
 1433             && fr_can_rewrite_ty eq_rel rhs_ty    -- (K2b)
 1435         kick_out_for_completeness  -- (K3) and Note [K3: completeness of solving]
 1436           = case eq_rel of
 1437               NomEq  -> rhs_ty `eqType` canEqLHSType new_lhs -- (K3a)
 1438               ReprEq -> is_can_eq_lhs_head new_lhs rhs_ty    -- (K3b)
 1440     kick_out_eq ct = pprPanic "keep_eq" (ppr ct)
 1442     is_can_eq_lhs_head (TyVarLHS tv) = go
 1443       where
 1444         go (Rep.TyVarTy tv')   = tv == tv'
 1445         go (Rep.AppTy fun _)   = go fun
 1446         go (Rep.CastTy ty _)   = go ty
 1447         go (Rep.TyConApp {})   = False
 1448         go (Rep.LitTy {})      = False
 1449         go (Rep.ForAllTy {})   = False
 1450         go (Rep.FunTy {})      = False
 1451         go (Rep.CoercionTy {}) = False
 1452     is_can_eq_lhs_head (TyFamLHS fun_tc fun_args) = go
 1453       where
 1454         go (Rep.TyVarTy {})       = False
 1455         go (Rep.AppTy {})         = False  -- no TyConApp to the left of an AppTy
 1456         go (Rep.CastTy ty _)      = go ty
 1457         go (Rep.TyConApp tc args) = tcEqTyConApps fun_tc fun_args tc args
 1458         go (Rep.LitTy {})         = False
 1459         go (Rep.ForAllTy {})      = False
 1460         go (Rep.FunTy {})         = False
 1461         go (Rep.CoercionTy {})    = False
 1463 {- Note [kickOutRewritable]
 1464 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 1465 See also Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities].
 1467 When we add a new inert equality (lhs ~N ty) to the inert set,
 1468 we must kick out any inert items that could be rewritten by the
 1469 new equality, to maintain the inert-set invariants.
 1471   - We want to kick out an existing inert constraint if
 1472     a) the new constraint can rewrite the inert one
 1473     b) 'lhs' is free in the inert constraint (so that it *will*)
 1474        rewrite it if we kick it out.
 1476     For (b) we use anyRewritableCanLHS, which examines the types /and
 1477     kinds/ that are directly visible in the type. Hence
 1478     we will have exposed all the rewriting we care about to make the
 1479     most precise kinds visible for matching classes etc. No need to
 1480     kick out constraints that mention type variables whose kinds
 1481     contain this LHS!
 1483   - A Derived equality can kick out [D] constraints in inert_eqs,
 1484     inert_dicts, inert_irreds etc.
 1486   - We don't kick out constraints from inert_solved_dicts, and
 1487     inert_solved_funeqs optimistically. But when we lookup we have to
 1488     take the substitution into account
 1490 NB: we could in principle avoid kick-out:
 1491   a) When unifying a meta-tyvar from an outer level, because
 1492      then the entire implication will be iterated; see
 1493      Note [The Unification Level Flag] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.
 1495   b) For Givens, after a unification.  By (GivenInv) in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
 1496      Note [TcLevel invariants], a Given can't include a meta-tyvar from
 1497      its own level, so it falls under (a).  Of course, we must still
 1498      kick out Givens when adding a new non-unification Given.
 1500 But kicking out more vigorously may lead to earlier unification and fewer
 1501 iterations, so we don't take advantage of these possibilities.
 1503 Note [Rewrite insolubles]
 1504 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 1505 Suppose we have an insoluble alpha ~ [alpha], which is insoluble
 1506 because an occurs check.  And then we unify alpha := [Int].  Then we
 1507 really want to rewrite the insoluble to [Int] ~ [[Int]].  Now it can
 1508 be decomposed.  Otherwise we end up with a "Can't match [Int] ~
 1509 [[Int]]" which is true, but a bit confusing because the outer type
 1510 constructors match.
 1512 Hence:
 1513  * In the main simplifier loops in GHC.Tc.Solver (solveWanteds,
 1514    simpl_loop), we feed the insolubles in solveSimpleWanteds,
 1515    so that they get rewritten (albeit not solved).
 1517  * We kick insolubles out of the inert set, if they can be
 1518    rewritten (see GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.kick_out_rewritable)
 1520  * We rewrite those insolubles in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.
 1521    See Note [Make sure that insolubles are fully rewritten]
 1522    in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.
 1523 -}
 1525 {- *********************************************************************
 1526 *                                                                      *
 1527                  Queries
 1528 *                                                                      *
 1529 *                                                                      *
 1530 ********************************************************************* -}
 1532 mentionsOuterVar :: TcLevel -> CtEvidence -> Bool
 1533 mentionsOuterVar tclvl ev
 1534   = anyFreeVarsOfType (isOuterTyVar tclvl) $
 1535     ctEvPred ev
 1537 isOuterTyVar :: TcLevel -> TyCoVar -> Bool
 1538 -- True of a type variable that comes from a
 1539 -- shallower level than the ambient level (tclvl)
 1540 isOuterTyVar tclvl tv
 1541   | isTyVar tv = assertPpr (not (isTouchableMetaTyVar tclvl tv)) (ppr tv <+> ppr tclvl) $
 1542                  tclvl `strictlyDeeperThan` tcTyVarLevel tv
 1543     -- ASSERT: we are dealing with Givens here, and invariant (GivenInv) from
 1544     -- Note Note [TcLevel invariants] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ensures that there can't
 1545     -- be a touchable meta tyvar.   If this wasn't true, you might worry that,
 1546     -- at level 3, a meta-tv alpha[3] gets unified with skolem b[2], and thereby
 1547     -- becomes "outer" even though its level numbers says it isn't.
 1548   | otherwise  = False  -- Coercion variables; doesn't much matter
 1550 -- | Returns Given constraints that might,
 1551 -- potentially, match the given pred. This is used when checking to see if a
 1552 -- Given might overlap with an instance. See Note [Instance and Given overlap]
 1553 -- in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact"
 1554 matchableGivens :: CtLoc -> PredType -> InertSet -> Cts
 1555 matchableGivens loc_w pred_w inerts@(IS { inert_cans = inert_cans })
 1556   = filterBag matchable_given all_relevant_givens
 1557   where
 1558     -- just look in class constraints and irreds. matchableGivens does get called
 1559     -- for ~R constraints, but we don't need to look through equalities, because
 1560     -- canonical equalities are used for rewriting. We'll only get caught by
 1561     -- non-canonical -- that is, irreducible -- equalities.
 1562     all_relevant_givens :: Cts
 1563     all_relevant_givens
 1564       | Just (clas, _) <- getClassPredTys_maybe pred_w
 1565       = findDictsByClass (inert_dicts inert_cans) clas
 1566         `unionBags` inert_irreds inert_cans
 1567       | otherwise
 1568       = inert_irreds inert_cans
 1570     matchable_given :: Ct -> Bool
 1571     matchable_given ct
 1572       | CtGiven { ctev_loc = loc_g, ctev_pred = pred_g } <- ctEvidence ct
 1573       = mightEqualLater inerts pred_g loc_g pred_w loc_w
 1575       | otherwise
 1576       = False
 1578 mightEqualLater :: InertSet -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> Bool
 1579 -- See Note [What might equal later?]
 1580 -- Used to implement logic in Note [Instance and Given overlap] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact
 1581 mightEqualLater (IS { inert_cycle_breakers = cbvs })
 1582                 given_pred given_loc wanted_pred wanted_loc
 1583   | prohibitedSuperClassSolve given_loc wanted_loc
 1584   = False
 1586   | otherwise
 1587   = case tcUnifyTysFG bind_fun [flattened_given] [flattened_wanted] of
 1588       SurelyApart              -> False  -- types that are surely apart do not equal later
 1589       MaybeApart MARInfinite _ -> False  -- see Example 7 in the Note.
 1590       _                        -> True
 1592   where
 1593     in_scope  = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfTypes [given_pred, wanted_pred]
 1595     -- NB: flatten both at the same time, so that we can share mappings
 1596     -- from type family applications to variables, and also to guarantee
 1597     -- that the fresh variables are really fresh between the given and
 1598     -- the wanted. Flattening both at the same time is needed to get
 1599     -- Example 10 from the Note.
 1600     ([flattened_given, flattened_wanted], var_mapping)
 1601       = flattenTysX in_scope [given_pred, wanted_pred]
 1603     bind_fun :: BindFun
 1604     bind_fun tv rhs_ty
 1605       | isMetaTyVar tv
 1606       , can_unify tv (metaTyVarInfo tv) rhs_ty
 1607          -- this checks for CycleBreakerTvs and TyVarTvs; forgetting
 1608          -- the latter was #19106.
 1609       = BindMe
 1611          -- See Examples 4, 5, and 6 from the Note
 1612       | Just (_fam_tc, fam_args) <- lookupVarEnv var_mapping tv
 1613       , anyFreeVarsOfTypes mentions_meta_ty_var fam_args
 1614       = BindMe
 1616       | otherwise
 1617       = Apart
 1619     -- True for TauTv and TyVarTv (and RuntimeUnkTv) meta-tyvars
 1620     -- (as they can be unified)
 1621     -- and also for CycleBreakerTvs that mentions meta-tyvars
 1622     mentions_meta_ty_var :: TyVar -> Bool
 1623     mentions_meta_ty_var tv
 1624       | isMetaTyVar tv
 1625       = case metaTyVarInfo tv of
 1626           -- See Examples 8 and 9 in the Note
 1627           CycleBreakerTv
 1628             | Just tyfam_app <- lookup tv cbvs
 1629             -> anyFreeVarsOfType mentions_meta_ty_var tyfam_app
 1630             | otherwise
 1631             -> pprPanic "mightEqualLater finds an unbound cbv" (ppr tv $$ ppr cbvs)
 1632           _ -> True
 1633       | otherwise
 1634       = False
 1636     -- like canSolveByUnification, but allows cbv variables to unify
 1637     can_unify :: TcTyVar -> MetaInfo -> Type -> Bool
 1638     can_unify _lhs_tv TyVarTv rhs_ty  -- see Example 3 from the Note
 1639       | Just rhs_tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe rhs_ty
 1640       = case tcTyVarDetails rhs_tv of
 1641           MetaTv { mtv_info = TyVarTv } -> True
 1642           MetaTv {}                     -> False  -- could unify with anything
 1643           SkolemTv {}                   -> True
 1644           RuntimeUnk                    -> True
 1645       | otherwise  -- not a var on the RHS
 1646       = False
 1647     can_unify lhs_tv _other _rhs_ty = mentions_meta_ty_var lhs_tv
 1649 prohibitedSuperClassSolve :: CtLoc -> CtLoc -> Bool
 1650 -- See Note [Solving superclass constraints] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
 1651 prohibitedSuperClassSolve from_loc solve_loc
 1652   | GivenOrigin (InstSC given_size) <- ctLocOrigin from_loc
 1653   , ScOrigin wanted_size <- ctLocOrigin solve_loc
 1654   = given_size >= wanted_size
 1655   | otherwise
 1656   = False