never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures      #-}
    5 {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations     #-}
    6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    8 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2012
   10 -- | Module for coercion axioms, used to represent type family instances
   11 -- and newtypes
   13 module GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (
   14        BranchFlag, Branched, Unbranched, BranchIndex, Branches(..),
   15        manyBranches, unbranched,
   16        fromBranches, numBranches,
   17        mapAccumBranches,
   19        CoAxiom(..), CoAxBranch(..),
   21        toBranchedAxiom, toUnbranchedAxiom,
   22        coAxiomName, coAxiomArity, coAxiomBranches,
   23        coAxiomTyCon, isImplicitCoAxiom, coAxiomNumPats,
   24        coAxiomNthBranch, coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe, coAxiomRole,
   25        coAxiomSingleBranch, coAxBranchTyVars, coAxBranchCoVars,
   26        coAxBranchRoles,
   27        coAxBranchLHS, coAxBranchRHS, coAxBranchSpan, coAxBranchIncomps,
   28        placeHolderIncomps,
   30        Role(..), fsFromRole,
   32        CoAxiomRule(..), TypeEqn,
   33        BuiltInSynFamily(..), trivialBuiltInFamily
   34        ) where
   36 import GHC.Prelude
   38 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep ( Type )
   39 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprType )
   40 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCon    ( TyCon )
   41 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
   42 import GHC.Data.FastString
   43 import GHC.Types.Name
   44 import GHC.Types.Unique
   45 import GHC.Types.Var
   46 import GHC.Utils.Misc
   47 import GHC.Utils.Binary
   48 import GHC.Utils.Panic
   49 import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
   50 import GHC.Data.Pair
   51 import GHC.Types.Basic
   52 import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
   53 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
   54 import qualified Data.Data as Data
   55 import Data.Array
   56 import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
   58 {-
   59 Note [Coercion axiom branches]
   60 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   61 In order to allow closed type families, an axiom needs to contain an
   62 ordered list of alternatives, called branches. The kind of the coercion built
   63 from an axiom is determined by which index is used when building the coercion
   64 from the axiom.
   66 For example, consider the axiom derived from the following declaration:
   68 type family F a where
   69   F [Int] = Bool
   70   F [a]   = Double
   71   F (a b) = Char
   73 This will give rise to this axiom:
   75 axF :: {                                         F [Int] ~ Bool
   76        ; forall (a :: *).                        F [a]   ~ Double
   77        ; forall (k :: *) (a :: k -> *) (b :: k). F (a b) ~ Char
   78        }
   80 The axiom is used with the AxiomInstCo constructor of Coercion. If we wish
   81 to have a coercion showing that F (Maybe Int) ~ Char, it will look like
   83 axF[2] <*> <Maybe> <Int> :: F (Maybe Int) ~ Char
   84 -- or, written using concrete-ish syntax --
   85 AxiomInstCo axF 2 [Refl *, Refl Maybe, Refl Int]
   87 Note that the index is 0-based.
   89 For type-checking, it is also necessary to check that no previous pattern
   90 can unify with the supplied arguments. After all, it is possible that some
   91 of the type arguments are lambda-bound type variables whose instantiation may
   92 cause an earlier match among the branches. We wish to prohibit this behavior,
   93 so the type checker rules out the choice of a branch where a previous branch
   94 can unify. See also [Apartness] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.
   96 For example, the following is malformed, where 'a' is a lambda-bound type
   97 variable:
   99 axF[2] <*> <a> <Bool> :: F (a Bool) ~ Char
  101 Why? Because a might be instantiated with [], meaning that branch 1 should
  102 apply, not branch 2. This is a vital consistency check; without it, we could
  103 derive Int ~ Bool, and that is a Bad Thing.
  105 Note [Branched axioms]
  106 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  107 Although a CoAxiom has the capacity to store many branches, in certain cases,
  108 we want only one. These cases are in data/newtype family instances, newtype
  109 coercions, and type family instances.
  110 Furthermore, these unbranched axioms are used in a
  111 variety of places throughout GHC, and it would difficult to generalize all of
  112 that code to deal with branched axioms, especially when the code can be sure
  113 of the fact that an axiom is indeed a singleton. At the same time, it seems
  114 dangerous to assume singlehood in various places through GHC.
  116 The solution to this is to label a CoAxiom with a phantom type variable
  117 declaring whether it is known to be a singleton or not. The branches
  118 are stored using a special datatype, declared below, that ensures that the
  119 type variable is accurate.
  121 ************************************************************************
  122 *                                                                      *
  123                     Branches
  124 *                                                                      *
  125 ************************************************************************
  126 -}
  128 type BranchIndex = Int  -- The index of the branch in the list of branches
  129                         -- Counting from zero
  131 -- promoted data type
  132 data BranchFlag = Branched | Unbranched
  133 type Branched = 'Branched
  134 type Unbranched = 'Unbranched
  135 -- By using type synonyms for the promoted constructors, we avoid needing
  136 -- DataKinds and the promotion quote in client modules. This also means that
  137 -- we don't need to export the term-level constructors, which should never be used.
  139 newtype Branches (br :: BranchFlag)
  140   = MkBranches { unMkBranches :: Array BranchIndex CoAxBranch }
  141 type role Branches nominal
  143 manyBranches :: [CoAxBranch] -> Branches Branched
  144 manyBranches brs = assert (snd bnds >= fst bnds )
  145                    MkBranches (listArray bnds brs)
  146   where
  147     bnds = (0, length brs - 1)
  149 unbranched :: CoAxBranch -> Branches Unbranched
  150 unbranched br = MkBranches (listArray (0, 0) [br])
  152 toBranched :: Branches br -> Branches Branched
  153 toBranched = MkBranches . unMkBranches
  155 toUnbranched :: Branches br -> Branches Unbranched
  156 toUnbranched (MkBranches arr) = assert (bounds arr == (0,0) )
  157                                 MkBranches arr
  159 fromBranches :: Branches br -> [CoAxBranch]
  160 fromBranches = elems . unMkBranches
  162 branchesNth :: Branches br -> BranchIndex -> CoAxBranch
  163 branchesNth (MkBranches arr) n = arr ! n
  165 numBranches :: Branches br -> Int
  166 numBranches (MkBranches arr) = snd (bounds arr) + 1
  168 -- | The @[CoAxBranch]@ passed into the mapping function is a list of
  169 -- all previous branches, reversed
  170 mapAccumBranches :: ([CoAxBranch] -> CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch)
  171                   -> Branches br -> Branches br
  172 mapAccumBranches f (MkBranches arr)
  173   = MkBranches (listArray (bounds arr) (snd $ mapAccumL go [] (elems arr)))
  174   where
  175     go :: [CoAxBranch] -> CoAxBranch -> ([CoAxBranch], CoAxBranch)
  176     go prev_branches cur_branch = ( cur_branch : prev_branches
  177                                   , f prev_branches cur_branch )
  180 {-
  181 ************************************************************************
  182 *                                                                      *
  183                     Coercion axioms
  184 *                                                                      *
  185 ************************************************************************
  187 Note [Storing compatibility]
  188 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  189 During axiom application, we need to be aware of which branches are compatible
  190 with which others. The full explanation is in Note [Compatibility] in
  191 GHc.Core.FamInstEnv. (The code is placed there to avoid a dependency from
  192 GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom on the unification algorithm.) Although we could
  193 theoretically compute compatibility on the fly, this is silly, so we store it
  194 in a CoAxiom.
  196 Specifically, each branch refers to all other branches with which it is
  197 incompatible. This list might well be empty, and it will always be for the
  198 first branch of any axiom.
  200 CoAxBranches that do not (yet) belong to a CoAxiom should have a panic thunk
  201 stored in cab_incomps. The incompatibilities are properly a property of the
  202 axiom as a whole, and they are computed only when the final axiom is built.
  204 During serialization, the list is converted into a list of the indices
  205 of the branches.
  207 Note [CoAxioms are homogeneous]
  208 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  209 All axioms must be *homogeneous*, meaning that the kind of the LHS must
  210 match the kind of the RHS. In practice, this means:
  212   Given a CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = ax_tc },
  213   for every branch CoAxBranch { cab_lhs = lhs, cab_rhs = rhs }:
  214     typeKind (mkTyConApp ax_tc lhs) `eqType` typeKind rhs
  216 This is checked in FamInstEnv.mkCoAxBranch.
  217 -}
  219 -- | A 'CoAxiom' is a \"coercion constructor\", i.e. a named equality axiom.
  221 -- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
  222 -- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
  223 data CoAxiom br
  224   = CoAxiom                   -- Type equality axiom.
  225     { co_ax_unique   :: Unique        -- Unique identifier
  226     , co_ax_name     :: Name          -- Name for pretty-printing
  227     , co_ax_role     :: Role          -- Role of the axiom's equality
  228     , co_ax_tc       :: TyCon         -- The head of the LHS patterns
  229                                       -- e.g.  the newtype or family tycon
  230     , co_ax_branches :: Branches br   -- The branches that form this axiom
  231     , co_ax_implicit :: Bool          -- True <=> the axiom is "implicit"
  232                                       -- See Note [Implicit axioms]
  233          -- INVARIANT: co_ax_implicit == True implies length co_ax_branches == 1.
  234     }
  236 data CoAxBranch
  237   = CoAxBranch
  238     { cab_loc      :: SrcSpan       -- Location of the defining equation
  239                                     -- See Note [CoAxiom locations]
  240     , cab_tvs      :: [TyVar]       -- Bound type variables; not necessarily fresh
  241                                     -- See Note [CoAxBranch type variables]
  242     , cab_eta_tvs  :: [TyVar]       -- Eta-reduced tyvars
  243                                     -- cab_tvs and cab_lhs may be eta-reduced; see
  244                                     -- Note [Eta reduction for data families]
  245     , cab_cvs      :: [CoVar]       -- Bound coercion variables
  246                                     -- Always empty, for now.
  247                                     -- See Note [Constraints in patterns]
  248                                     -- in GHC.Tc.TyCl
  249     , cab_roles    :: [Role]        -- See Note [CoAxBranch roles]
  250     , cab_lhs      :: [Type]        -- Type patterns to match against
  251     , cab_rhs      :: Type          -- Right-hand side of the equality
  252                                     -- See Note [CoAxioms are homogeneous]
  253     , cab_incomps  :: [CoAxBranch]  -- The previous incompatible branches
  254                                     -- See Note [Storing compatibility]
  255     }
  256   deriving Data.Data
  258 toBranchedAxiom :: CoAxiom br -> CoAxiom Branched
  259 toBranchedAxiom (CoAxiom unique name role tc branches implicit)
  260   = CoAxiom unique name role tc (toBranched branches) implicit
  262 toUnbranchedAxiom :: CoAxiom br -> CoAxiom Unbranched
  263 toUnbranchedAxiom (CoAxiom unique name role tc branches implicit)
  264   = CoAxiom unique name role tc (toUnbranched branches) implicit
  266 coAxiomNumPats :: CoAxiom br -> Int
  267 coAxiomNumPats = length . coAxBranchLHS . (flip coAxiomNthBranch 0)
  269 coAxiomNthBranch :: CoAxiom br -> BranchIndex -> CoAxBranch
  270 coAxiomNthBranch (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = bs }) index
  271   = branchesNth bs index
  273 coAxiomArity :: CoAxiom br -> BranchIndex -> Arity
  274 coAxiomArity ax index
  275   = length tvs + length cvs
  276   where
  277     CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs } = coAxiomNthBranch ax index
  279 coAxiomName :: CoAxiom br -> Name
  280 coAxiomName = co_ax_name
  282 coAxiomRole :: CoAxiom br -> Role
  283 coAxiomRole = co_ax_role
  285 coAxiomBranches :: CoAxiom br -> Branches br
  286 coAxiomBranches = co_ax_branches
  288 coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe :: CoAxiom br -> Maybe CoAxBranch
  289 coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = MkBranches arr })
  290   | snd (bounds arr) == 0
  291   = Just $ arr ! 0
  292   | otherwise
  293   = Nothing
  295 coAxiomSingleBranch :: CoAxiom Unbranched -> CoAxBranch
  296 coAxiomSingleBranch (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = MkBranches arr })
  297   = arr ! 0
  299 coAxiomTyCon :: CoAxiom br -> TyCon
  300 coAxiomTyCon = co_ax_tc
  302 coAxBranchTyVars :: CoAxBranch -> [TyVar]
  303 coAxBranchTyVars = cab_tvs
  305 coAxBranchCoVars :: CoAxBranch -> [CoVar]
  306 coAxBranchCoVars = cab_cvs
  308 coAxBranchLHS :: CoAxBranch -> [Type]
  309 coAxBranchLHS = cab_lhs
  311 coAxBranchRHS :: CoAxBranch -> Type
  312 coAxBranchRHS = cab_rhs
  314 coAxBranchRoles :: CoAxBranch -> [Role]
  315 coAxBranchRoles = cab_roles
  317 coAxBranchSpan :: CoAxBranch -> SrcSpan
  318 coAxBranchSpan = cab_loc
  320 isImplicitCoAxiom :: CoAxiom br -> Bool
  321 isImplicitCoAxiom = co_ax_implicit
  323 coAxBranchIncomps :: CoAxBranch -> [CoAxBranch]
  324 coAxBranchIncomps = cab_incomps
  326 -- See Note [Compatibility checking] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
  327 placeHolderIncomps :: [CoAxBranch]
  328 placeHolderIncomps = panic "placeHolderIncomps"
  330 {-
  331 Note [CoAxBranch type variables]
  332 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  333 In the case of a CoAxBranch of an associated type-family instance,
  334 we use the *same* type variables (where possible) as the
  335 enclosing class or instance.  Consider
  337   instance C Int [z] where
  338      type F Int [z] = ...   -- Second param must be [z]
  340 In the CoAxBranch in the instance decl (F Int [z]) we use the
  341 same 'z', so that it's easy to check that that type is the same
  342 as that in the instance header.
  344 So, unlike FamInsts, there is no expectation that the cab_tvs
  345 are fresh wrt each other, or any other CoAxBranch.
  347 Note [CoAxBranch roles]
  348 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  349 Consider this code:
  351   newtype Age = MkAge Int
  352   newtype Wrap a = MkWrap a
  354   convert :: Wrap Age -> Int
  355   convert (MkWrap (MkAge i)) = i
  357 We want this to compile to:
  359   NTCo:Wrap :: forall a. Wrap a ~R a
  360   NTCo:Age  :: Age ~R Int
  361   convert = \x -> x |> (NTCo:Wrap[0] NTCo:Age[0])
  363 But, note that NTCo:Age is at role R. Thus, we need to be able to pass
  364 coercions at role R into axioms. However, we don't *always* want to be able to
  365 do this, as it would be disastrous with type families. The solution is to
  366 annotate the arguments to the axiom with roles, much like we annotate tycon
  367 tyvars. Where do these roles get set? Newtype axioms inherit their roles from
  368 the newtype tycon; family axioms are all at role N.
  370 Note [CoAxiom locations]
  371 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  372 The source location of a CoAxiom is stored in two places in the
  373 datatype tree.
  374   * The first is in the location info buried in the Name of the
  375     CoAxiom. This span includes all of the branches of a branched
  376     CoAxiom.
  377   * The second is in the cab_loc fields of the CoAxBranches.
  379 In the case of a single branch, we can extract the source location of
  380 the branch from the name of the CoAxiom. In other cases, we need an
  381 explicit SrcSpan to correctly store the location of the equation
  382 giving rise to the FamInstBranch.
  384 Note [Implicit axioms]
  385 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  386 See also Note [Implicit TyThings] in GHC.Types.TyThing
  387 * A CoAxiom arising from data/type family instances is not "implicit".
  388   That is, it has its own IfaceAxiom declaration in an interface file
  390 * The CoAxiom arising from a newtype declaration *is* "implicit".
  391   That is, it does not have its own IfaceAxiom declaration in an
  392   interface file; instead the CoAxiom is generated by type-checking
  393   the newtype declaration
  395 Note [Eta reduction for data families]
  396 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  397 Consider this
  398    data family T a b :: *
  399    newtype instance T Int a = MkT (IO a) deriving( Monad )
  400 We'd like this to work.
  402 From the 'newtype instance' you might think we'd get:
  403    newtype TInt a = MkT (IO a)
  404    axiom ax1 a :: T Int a ~ TInt a   -- The newtype-instance part
  405    axiom ax2 a :: TInt a ~ IO a      -- The newtype part
  407 But now what can we do?  We have this problem
  408    Given:   d  :: Monad IO
  409    Wanted:  d' :: Monad (T Int) = d |> ????
  410 What coercion can we use for the ???
  412 Solution: eta-reduce both axioms, thus:
  413    axiom ax1 :: T Int ~ TInt
  414    axiom ax2 :: TInt ~ IO
  415 Now
  416    d' = d |> Monad (sym (ax2 ; ax1))
  418 ----- Bottom line ------
  420 For a CoAxBranch for a data family instance with representation
  421 TyCon rep_tc:
  423   - cab_tvs (of its CoAxiom) may be shorter
  424     than tyConTyVars of rep_tc.
  426   - cab_lhs may be shorter than tyConArity of the family tycon
  427        i.e. LHS is unsaturated
  429   - cab_rhs will be (rep_tc cab_tvs)
  430        i.e. RHS is un-saturated
  432   - This eta reduction happens for data instances as well
  433     as newtype instances. Here we want to eta-reduce the data family axiom.
  435   - This eta-reduction is done in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.tcDataFamInstDecl.
  437 But for a /type/ family
  438   - cab_lhs has the exact arity of the family tycon
  440 There are certain situations (e.g., pretty-printing) where it is necessary to
  441 deal with eta-expanded data family instances. For these situations, the
  442 cab_eta_tvs field records the stuff that has been eta-reduced away.
  443 So if we have
  444     axiom forall a b. F [a->b] = D b a
  445 and cab_eta_tvs is [p,q], then the original user-written definition
  446 looked like
  447     axiom forall a b p q. F [a->b] p q = D b a p q
  448 (See #9692, #14179, and #15845 for examples of what can go wrong if
  449 we don't eta-expand when showing things to the user.)
  451 See also:
  453 * Note [Newtype eta] in GHC.Core.TyCon.  This is notionally separate
  454   and deals with the axiom connecting a newtype with its representation
  455   type; but it too is eta-reduced.
  456 * Note [Implementing eta reduction for data families] in "GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance". This
  457   describes the implementation details of this eta reduction happen.
  458 -}
  460 instance Eq (CoAxiom br) where
  461     a == b = getUnique a == getUnique b
  462     a /= b = getUnique a /= getUnique b
  464 instance Uniquable (CoAxiom br) where
  465     getUnique = co_ax_unique
  467 instance Outputable (CoAxiom br) where
  468     ppr = ppr . getName
  470 instance NamedThing (CoAxiom br) where
  471     getName = co_ax_name
  473 instance Typeable br => Data.Data (CoAxiom br) where
  474     -- don't traverse?
  475     toConstr _   = abstractConstr "CoAxiom"
  476     gunfold _ _  = error "gunfold"
  477     dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "CoAxiom"
  479 instance Outputable CoAxBranch where
  480   ppr (CoAxBranch { cab_loc = loc
  481                   , cab_lhs = lhs
  482                   , cab_rhs = rhs }) =
  483     text "CoAxBranch" <+> parens (ppr loc) <> colon
  484       <+> brackets (fsep (punctuate comma (map pprType lhs)))
  485       <+> text "=>" <+> pprType rhs
  487 {-
  488 ************************************************************************
  489 *                                                                      *
  490                     Roles
  491 *                                                                      *
  492 ************************************************************************
  494 Roles are defined here to avoid circular dependencies.
  495 -}
  497 -- See Note [Roles] in GHC.Core.Coercion
  498 -- defined here to avoid cyclic dependency with GHC.Core.Coercion
  499 --
  500 -- Order of constructors matters: the Ord instance coincides with the *super*typing
  501 -- relation on roles.
  502 data Role = Nominal | Representational | Phantom
  503   deriving (Eq, Ord, Data.Data)
  505 -- These names are slurped into the parser code. Changing these strings
  506 -- will change the **surface syntax** that GHC accepts! If you want to
  507 -- change only the pretty-printing, do some replumbing. See
  508 -- mkRoleAnnotDecl in GHC.Parser.PostProcess
  509 fsFromRole :: Role -> FastString
  510 fsFromRole Nominal          = fsLit "nominal"
  511 fsFromRole Representational = fsLit "representational"
  512 fsFromRole Phantom          = fsLit "phantom"
  514 instance Outputable Role where
  515   ppr = ftext . fsFromRole
  517 instance Binary Role where
  518   put_ bh Nominal          = putByte bh 1
  519   put_ bh Representational = putByte bh 2
  520   put_ bh Phantom          = putByte bh 3
  522   get bh = do tag <- getByte bh
  523               case tag of 1 -> return Nominal
  524                           2 -> return Representational
  525                           3 -> return Phantom
  526                           _ -> panic ("get Role " ++ show tag)
  528 {-
  529 ************************************************************************
  530 *                                                                      *
  531                     CoAxiomRule
  532               Rules for building Evidence
  533 *                                                                      *
  534 ************************************************************************
  536 Conditional axioms.  The general idea is that a `CoAxiomRule` looks like this:
  538     forall as. (r1 ~ r2, s1 ~ s2) => t1 ~ t2
  540 My intention is to reuse these for both (~) and (~#).
  541 The short-term plan is to use this datatype to represent the type-nat axioms.
  542 In the longer run, it may be good to unify this and `CoAxiom`,
  543 as `CoAxiom` is the special case when there are no assumptions.
  544 -}
  546 -- | A more explicit representation for `t1 ~ t2`.
  547 type TypeEqn = Pair Type
  549 -- | For now, we work only with nominal equality.
  550 data CoAxiomRule = CoAxiomRule
  551   { coaxrName      :: FastString
  552   , coaxrAsmpRoles :: [Role]    -- roles of parameter equations
  553   , coaxrRole      :: Role      -- role of resulting equation
  554   , coaxrProves    :: [TypeEqn] -> Maybe TypeEqn
  555         -- ^ coaxrProves returns @Nothing@ when it doesn't like
  556         -- the supplied arguments.  When this happens in a coercion
  557         -- that means that the coercion is ill-formed, and Core Lint
  558         -- checks for that.
  559   }
  561 instance Data.Data CoAxiomRule where
  562   -- don't traverse?
  563   toConstr _   = abstractConstr "CoAxiomRule"
  564   gunfold _ _  = error "gunfold"
  565   dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "CoAxiomRule"
  567 instance Uniquable CoAxiomRule where
  568   getUnique = getUnique . coaxrName
  570 instance Eq CoAxiomRule where
  571   x == y = coaxrName x == coaxrName y
  573 instance Ord CoAxiomRule where
  574   -- we compare lexically to avoid non-deterministic output when sets of rules
  575   -- are printed
  576   compare x y = lexicalCompareFS (coaxrName x) (coaxrName y)
  578 instance Outputable CoAxiomRule where
  579   ppr = ppr . coaxrName
  582 -- Type checking of built-in families
  583 data BuiltInSynFamily = BuiltInSynFamily
  584   { sfMatchFam      :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
  585     -- Does this reduce on the given arguments?
  586     -- If it does, returns (CoAxiomRule, types to instantiate the rule at, rhs type)
  587     -- That is: mkAxiomRuleCo coax (zipWith mkReflCo (coaxrAsmpRoles coax) ts)
  588     --              :: F tys ~r rhs,
  589     -- where the r in the output is coaxrRole of the rule. It is up to the
  590     -- caller to ensure that this role is appropriate.
  592   , sfInteractTop   :: [Type] -> Type -> [TypeEqn]
  593     -- If given these type arguments and RHS, returns the equalities that
  594     -- are guaranteed to hold.
  596   , sfInteractInert :: [Type] -> Type ->
  597                        [Type] -> Type -> [TypeEqn]
  598     -- If given one set of arguments and result, and another set of arguments
  599     -- and result, returns the equalities that are guaranteed to hold.
  600   }
  602 -- Provides default implementations that do nothing.
  603 trivialBuiltInFamily :: BuiltInSynFamily
  604 trivialBuiltInFamily = BuiltInSynFamily
  605   { sfMatchFam      = \_ -> Nothing
  606   , sfInteractTop   = \_ _ -> []
  607   , sfInteractInert = \_ _ _ _ -> []
  608   }