never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
    5 {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE #-}
    7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8 --
    9 -- GHC Driver program
   10 --
   11 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
   12 --
   13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   15 module Main (main) where
   17 -- The official GHC API
   18 import qualified GHC
   19 import GHC              (parseTargetFiles,  Ghc, GhcMonad(..), Backend (..),
   20                           LoadHowMuch(..) )
   22 import GHC.Driver.CmdLine
   23 import GHC.Driver.Env
   24 import GHC.Driver.Errors
   25 import GHC.Driver.Phases
   26 import GHC.Driver.Session
   27 import GHC.Driver.Ppr
   28 import GHC.Driver.Pipeline  ( oneShot, compileFile )
   29 import GHC.Driver.MakeFile  ( doMkDependHS )
   30 import GHC.Driver.Backpack  ( doBackpack )
   31 import GHC.Driver.Plugins
   32 import GHC.Driver.Config.Finder (initFinderOpts)
   33 import GHC.Driver.Config.Logger (initLogFlags)
   34 import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic
   36 import GHC.Platform
   37 import GHC.Platform.Ways
   38 import GHC.Platform.Host
   41 import GHCi.UI              ( interactiveUI, ghciWelcomeMsg, defaultGhciSettings )
   42 #endif
   44 import GHC.Runtime.Loader   ( loadFrontendPlugin )
   46 import GHC.Unit.Module ( ModuleName, mkModuleName )
   47 import GHC.Unit.Module.ModIface
   48 import GHC.Unit.State  ( pprUnits, pprUnitsSimple )
   49 import GHC.Unit.Finder ( findImportedModule, FindResult(..) )
   50 import GHC.Unit.Types  ( IsBootInterface(..) )
   52 import GHC.Types.Basic     ( failed )
   53 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
   54 import GHC.Types.SourceError
   55 import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
   56 import GHC.Types.PkgQual
   58 import GHC.Utils.Error
   59 import GHC.Utils.Misc
   60 import GHC.Utils.Panic
   61 import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
   62 import GHC.Utils.Monad       ( liftIO, mapMaybeM )
   63 import GHC.Utils.Binary        ( openBinMem, put_ )
   64 import GHC.Utils.Logger
   66 import GHC.Settings.Config
   67 import GHC.Settings.Constants
   68 import GHC.Settings.IO
   70 import GHC.HandleEncoding
   71 import GHC.Data.FastString
   72 import GHC.SysTools.BaseDir
   74 import GHC.Iface.Load
   75 import GHC.Iface.Recomp.Binary ( fingerprintBinMem )
   77 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad      ( initIfaceCheck )
   79 -- Standard Haskell libraries
   80 import System.IO
   81 import System.Environment
   82 import System.Exit
   83 import Control.Monad
   84 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
   85 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE, runExceptT)
   86 import Data.Char
   87 import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, partition, intercalate )
   88 import qualified Data.Set as Set
   89 import Data.Maybe
   90 import Prelude
   92 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   93 -- ToDo:
   95 -- time commands when run with -v
   96 -- user ways
   97 -- Win32 support: proper signal handling
   98 -- reading the package configuration file is too slow
   99 -- -K<size>
  101 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102 -- GHC's command-line interface
  104 main :: IO ()
  105 main = do
  106    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
  107    hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
  109    configureHandleEncoding
  110    GHC.defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do
  111     -- 1. extract the -B flag from the args
  112     argv0 <- getArgs
  114     let (minusB_args, argv1) = partition ("-B" `isPrefixOf`) argv0
  115         mbMinusB | null minusB_args = Nothing
  116                  | otherwise = Just (drop 2 (last minusB_args))
  118     let argv2 = map (mkGeneralLocated "on the commandline") argv1
  120     -- 2. Parse the "mode" flags (--make, --interactive etc.)
  121     (mode, argv3, flagWarnings) <- parseModeFlags argv2
  123     -- If all we want to do is something like showing the version number
  124     -- then do it now, before we start a GHC session etc. This makes
  125     -- getting basic information much more resilient.
  127     -- In particular, if we wait until later before giving the version
  128     -- number then bootstrapping gets confused, as it tries to find out
  129     -- what version of GHC it's using before package.conf exists, so
  130     -- starting the session fails.
  131     case mode of
  132         Left preStartupMode ->
  133             do case preStartupMode of
  134                    ShowSupportedExtensions   -> showSupportedExtensions mbMinusB
  135                    ShowVersion               -> showVersion
  136                    ShowNumVersion            -> putStrLn cProjectVersion
  137                    ShowOptions isInteractive -> showOptions isInteractive
  138         Right postStartupMode ->
  139             -- start our GHC session
  140             GHC.runGhc mbMinusB $ do
  142             dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
  144             case postStartupMode of
  145                 Left preLoadMode ->
  146                     liftIO $ do
  147                         case preLoadMode of
  148                             ShowInfo               -> showInfo dflags
  149                             ShowGhcUsage           -> showGhcUsage  dflags
  150                             ShowGhciUsage          -> showGhciUsage dflags
  151                             PrintWithDynFlags f    -> putStrLn (f dflags)
  152                 Right postLoadMode ->
  153                     main' postLoadMode dflags argv3 flagWarnings
  155 main' :: PostLoadMode -> DynFlags -> [Located String] -> [Warn]
  156       -> Ghc ()
  157 main' postLoadMode dflags0 args flagWarnings = do
  158   let args' = case postLoadMode of
  159                 DoRun -> takeWhile (\arg -> unLoc arg /= "--") args
  160                 _     -> args
  162   -- set the default GhcMode, backend and GhcLink.  The backend
  163   -- can be further adjusted on a module by module basis, using only
  164   -- the -fllvm and -fasm flags.  If the default backend is not
  165   -- LLVM or NCG, -fllvm and -fasm have no effect.
  166   let dflt_backend = backend dflags0
  167       (mode, bcknd, link)
  168          = case postLoadMode of
  169                DoInteractive   -> (CompManager, Interpreter,  LinkInMemory)
  170                DoEval _        -> (CompManager, Interpreter,  LinkInMemory)
  171                DoRun           -> (CompManager, Interpreter,  LinkInMemory)
  172                DoMake          -> (CompManager, dflt_backend, LinkBinary)
  173                DoBackpack      -> (CompManager, dflt_backend, LinkBinary)
  174                DoMkDependHS    -> (MkDepend,    dflt_backend, LinkBinary)
  175                DoAbiHash       -> (OneShot,     dflt_backend, LinkBinary)
  176                _               -> (OneShot,     dflt_backend, LinkBinary)
  178   let dflags1 = dflags0{ ghcMode   = mode,
  179                          backend   = bcknd,
  180                          ghcLink   = link,
  181                          verbosity = case postLoadMode of
  182                                          DoEval _ -> 0
  183                                          DoRun    -> 0
  184                                          _other   -> 1
  185                         }
  187       -- turn on -fimplicit-import-qualified for GHCi now, so that it
  188       -- can be overridden from the command-line
  189       -- XXX: this should really be in the interactive DynFlags, but
  190       -- we don't set that until later in interactiveUI
  191       -- We also set -fignore-optim-changes and -fignore-hpc-changes,
  192       -- which are program-level options. Again, this doesn't really
  193       -- feel like the right place to handle this, but we don't have
  194       -- a great story for the moment.
  195       dflags2  | DoInteractive <- postLoadMode = def_ghci_flags
  196                | DoEval _      <- postLoadMode = def_ghci_flags
  197                | DoRun         <- postLoadMode = def_ghci_flags
  198                | otherwise                     = dflags1
  199         where def_ghci_flags = dflags1 `gopt_set` Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
  200                                        `gopt_set` Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges
  201                                        `gopt_set` Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges
  203   logger1 <- getLogger
  204   let logger2 = setLogFlags logger1 (initLogFlags dflags2)
  206         -- The rest of the arguments are "dynamic"
  207         -- Leftover ones are presumably files
  208   (dflags3, fileish_args, dynamicFlagWarnings) <-
  209       GHC.parseDynamicFlags logger2 dflags2 args'
  211   let dflags4 = case bcknd of
  212                 Interpreter | not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags3) ->
  213                     let platform = targetPlatform dflags3
  214                         dflags3a = dflags3 { targetWays_ = hostFullWays }
  215                         dflags3b = foldl gopt_set dflags3a
  216                                  $ concatMap (wayGeneralFlags platform)
  217                                              hostFullWays
  218                         dflags3c = foldl gopt_unset dflags3b
  219                                  $ concatMap (wayUnsetGeneralFlags platform)
  220                                              hostFullWays
  221                     in dflags3c
  222                 _ ->
  223                     dflags3
  225   let logger4 = setLogFlags logger2 (initLogFlags dflags4)
  227   GHC.prettyPrintGhcErrors logger4 $ do
  229   let flagWarnings' = flagWarnings ++ dynamicFlagWarnings
  231   handleSourceError (\e -> do
  232        GHC.printException e
  233        liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $ do
  234          liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings logger4 (initDiagOpts dflags4) flagWarnings'
  236   liftIO $ showBanner postLoadMode dflags4
  238   let (dflags5, srcs, objs) = parseTargetFiles dflags4 (map unLoc fileish_args)
  240   -- we've finished manipulating the DynFlags, update the session
  241   _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags5
  242   dflags6 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
  243   hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
  244   logger <- getLogger
  246         ---------------- Display configuration -----------
  247   case verbosity dflags6 of
  248     v | v == 4 -> liftIO $ dumpUnitsSimple hsc_env
  249       | v >= 5 -> liftIO $ dumpUnits       hsc_env
  250       | otherwise -> return ()
  252   liftIO $ initUniqSupply (initialUnique dflags6) (uniqueIncrement dflags6)
  253         ---------------- Final sanity checking -----------
  254   liftIO $ checkOptions postLoadMode dflags6 srcs objs
  256   ---------------- Do the business -----------
  257   handleSourceError (\e -> do
  258        GHC.printException e
  259        liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $ do
  260     case postLoadMode of
  261        ShowInterface f        -> liftIO $ showIface logger
  262                                                     (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
  263                                                     (hsc_units  hsc_env)
  264                                                     (hsc_NC     hsc_env)
  265                                                     f
  266        DoMake                 -> doMake srcs
  267        DoMkDependHS           -> doMkDependHS (map fst srcs)
  268        StopBefore p           -> liftIO (oneShot hsc_env p srcs)
  269        DoInteractive          -> ghciUI srcs Nothing
  270        DoEval exprs           -> ghciUI srcs $ Just $ reverse exprs
  271        DoRun                  -> doRun srcs args
  272        DoAbiHash              -> abiHash (map fst srcs)
  273        ShowPackages           -> liftIO $ showUnits hsc_env
  274        DoFrontend f           -> doFrontend f srcs
  275        DoBackpack             -> doBackpack (map fst srcs)
  277   liftIO $ dumpFinalStats logger
  279 doRun :: [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> [Located String] -> Ghc ()
  280 doRun srcs args = do
  281     dflags <- getDynFlags
  282     let mainFun = fromMaybe "main" (mainFunIs dflags)
  283     ghciUI srcs (Just ["System.Environment.withArgs " ++ show args' ++ " (Control.Monad.void " ++ mainFun ++ ")"])
  284   where
  285     args' = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= "--") $ map unLoc args
  287 ghciUI :: [(FilePath, Maybe Phase)] -> Maybe [String] -> Ghc ()
  289 ghciUI _ _ =
  290   throwGhcException (CmdLineError "not built for interactive use")
  291 #else
  292 ghciUI srcs maybe_expr = interactiveUI defaultGhciSettings srcs maybe_expr
  293 #endif
  296 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  297 -- Option sanity checks
  299 -- | Ensure sanity of options.
  300 --
  301 -- Throws 'UsageError' or 'CmdLineError' if not.
  302 checkOptions :: PostLoadMode -> DynFlags -> [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> [String] -> IO ()
  303      -- Final sanity checking before kicking off a compilation (pipeline).
  304 checkOptions mode dflags srcs objs = do
  305      -- Complain about any unknown flags
  306    let unknown_opts = [ f | (f@('-':_), _) <- srcs ]
  307    when (notNull unknown_opts) (unknownFlagsErr unknown_opts)
  309    when (not (Set.null (rtsWays (ways dflags)))
  310          && isInterpretiveMode mode) $
  311         hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: -debug, -threaded and -ticky are ignored by GHCi")
  313         -- -prof and --interactive are not a good combination
  314    when ((fullWays (ways dflags) /= hostFullWays)
  315          && isInterpretiveMode mode
  316          && not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags)) $
  317       do throwGhcException (UsageError
  318               "-fexternal-interpreter is required when using --interactive with a non-standard way (-prof, -static, or -dynamic).")
  319         -- -ohi sanity check
  320    if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
  321       (isCompManagerMode mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1))
  322         then throwGhcException (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file")
  323         else do
  325    if (isJust (dynOutputHi dflags) &&
  326       (isCompManagerMode mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1))
  327      then throwGhcException (UsageError "-dynohi can only be used when compiling a single source file")
  328      else do
  330         -- -o sanity checking
  331    if (srcs `lengthExceeds` 1 && isJust (outputFile dflags)
  332          && not (isLinkMode mode))
  333         then throwGhcException (UsageError "can't apply -o to multiple source files")
  334         else do
  336    let not_linking = not (isLinkMode mode) || isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
  338    when (not_linking && not (null objs)) $
  339         hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: the following files would be used as linker inputs, but linking is not being done: " ++ unwords objs)
  341         -- Check that there are some input files
  342         -- (except in the interactive case)
  343    if null srcs && (null objs || not_linking) && needsInputsMode mode
  344         then throwGhcException (UsageError "no input files")
  345         else do
  347    case mode of
  348       StopBefore StopC | backend dflags /= ViaC
  349         -> throwGhcException $ UsageError $
  350            "the option -C is only available with an unregisterised GHC"
  351       StopBefore StopAs | ghcLink dflags == NoLink
  352         -> throwGhcException $ UsageError $
  353            "the options -S and -fno-code are incompatible. Please omit -S"
  355       _ -> return ()
  357      -- Verify that output files point somewhere sensible.
  358    verifyOutputFiles dflags
  360 -- Compiler output options
  362 -- Called to verify that the output files point somewhere valid.
  363 --
  364 -- The assumption is that the directory portion of these output
  365 -- options will have to exist by the time 'verifyOutputFiles'
  366 -- is invoked.
  367 --
  368 -- We create the directories for -odir, -hidir, -outputdir etc. ourselves if
  369 -- they don't exist, so don't check for those here (#2278).
  370 verifyOutputFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
  371 verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
  372   let ofile = outputFile dflags
  373   when (isJust ofile) $ do
  374      let fn = fromJust ofile
  375      flg <- doesDirNameExist fn
  376      when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-o" fn)
  377   let ohi = outputHi dflags
  378   when (isJust ohi) $ do
  379      let hi = fromJust ohi
  380      flg <- doesDirNameExist hi
  381      when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-ohi" hi)
  382  where
  383    nonExistentDir flg dir =
  384      throwGhcException (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
  385                              show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
  386                              show flg ++ " option.)"))
  388 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389 -- GHC modes of operation
  391 type Mode = Either PreStartupMode PostStartupMode
  392 type PostStartupMode = Either PreLoadMode PostLoadMode
  394 data PreStartupMode
  395   = ShowVersion                          -- ghc -V/--version
  396   | ShowNumVersion                       -- ghc --numeric-version
  397   | ShowSupportedExtensions              -- ghc --supported-extensions
  398   | ShowOptions Bool {- isInteractive -} -- ghc --show-options
  400 showVersionMode, showNumVersionMode, showSupportedExtensionsMode, showOptionsMode :: Mode
  401 showVersionMode             = mkPreStartupMode ShowVersion
  402 showNumVersionMode          = mkPreStartupMode ShowNumVersion
  403 showSupportedExtensionsMode = mkPreStartupMode ShowSupportedExtensions
  404 showOptionsMode             = mkPreStartupMode (ShowOptions False)
  406 mkPreStartupMode :: PreStartupMode -> Mode
  407 mkPreStartupMode = Left
  409 isShowVersionMode :: Mode -> Bool
  410 isShowVersionMode (Left ShowVersion) = True
  411 isShowVersionMode _ = False
  413 isShowNumVersionMode :: Mode -> Bool
  414 isShowNumVersionMode (Left ShowNumVersion) = True
  415 isShowNumVersionMode _ = False
  417 data PreLoadMode
  418   = ShowGhcUsage                           -- ghc -?
  419   | ShowGhciUsage                          -- ghci -?
  420   | ShowInfo                               -- ghc --info
  421   | PrintWithDynFlags (DynFlags -> String) -- ghc --print-foo
  423 showGhcUsageMode, showGhciUsageMode, showInfoMode :: Mode
  424 showGhcUsageMode = mkPreLoadMode ShowGhcUsage
  425 showGhciUsageMode = mkPreLoadMode ShowGhciUsage
  426 showInfoMode = mkPreLoadMode ShowInfo
  428 printSetting :: String -> Mode
  429 printSetting k = mkPreLoadMode (PrintWithDynFlags f)
  430     where f dflags = fromMaybe (panic ("Setting not found: " ++ show k))
  431                    $ lookup k (compilerInfo dflags)
  433 mkPreLoadMode :: PreLoadMode -> Mode
  434 mkPreLoadMode = Right . Left
  436 isShowGhcUsageMode :: Mode -> Bool
  437 isShowGhcUsageMode (Right (Left ShowGhcUsage)) = True
  438 isShowGhcUsageMode _ = False
  440 isShowGhciUsageMode :: Mode -> Bool
  441 isShowGhciUsageMode (Right (Left ShowGhciUsage)) = True
  442 isShowGhciUsageMode _ = False
  444 data PostLoadMode
  445   = ShowInterface FilePath  -- ghc --show-iface
  446   | DoMkDependHS            -- ghc -M
  447   | StopBefore StopPhase    -- ghc -E | -C | -S
  448                             -- StopBefore StopLn is the default
  449   | DoMake                  -- ghc --make
  450   | DoBackpack              -- ghc --backpack foo.bkp
  451   | DoInteractive           -- ghc --interactive
  452   | DoEval [String]         -- ghc -e foo -e bar => DoEval ["bar", "foo"]
  453   | DoRun                   -- ghc --run
  454   | DoAbiHash               -- ghc --abi-hash
  455   | ShowPackages            -- ghc --show-packages
  456   | DoFrontend ModuleName   -- ghc --frontend Plugin.Module
  458 doMkDependHSMode, doMakeMode, doInteractiveMode, doRunMode,
  459   doAbiHashMode, showUnitsMode :: Mode
  460 doMkDependHSMode = mkPostLoadMode DoMkDependHS
  461 doMakeMode = mkPostLoadMode DoMake
  462 doInteractiveMode = mkPostLoadMode DoInteractive
  463 doRunMode = mkPostLoadMode DoRun
  464 doAbiHashMode = mkPostLoadMode DoAbiHash
  465 showUnitsMode = mkPostLoadMode ShowPackages
  467 showInterfaceMode :: FilePath -> Mode
  468 showInterfaceMode fp = mkPostLoadMode (ShowInterface fp)
  470 stopBeforeMode :: StopPhase -> Mode
  471 stopBeforeMode phase = mkPostLoadMode (StopBefore phase)
  473 doEvalMode :: String -> Mode
  474 doEvalMode str = mkPostLoadMode (DoEval [str])
  476 doFrontendMode :: String -> Mode
  477 doFrontendMode str = mkPostLoadMode (DoFrontend (mkModuleName str))
  479 doBackpackMode :: Mode
  480 doBackpackMode = mkPostLoadMode DoBackpack
  482 mkPostLoadMode :: PostLoadMode -> Mode
  483 mkPostLoadMode = Right . Right
  485 isDoInteractiveMode :: Mode -> Bool
  486 isDoInteractiveMode (Right (Right DoInteractive)) = True
  487 isDoInteractiveMode _ = False
  489 isStopLnMode :: Mode -> Bool
  490 isStopLnMode (Right (Right (StopBefore NoStop))) = True
  491 isStopLnMode _ = False
  493 isDoMakeMode :: Mode -> Bool
  494 isDoMakeMode (Right (Right DoMake)) = True
  495 isDoMakeMode _ = False
  497 isDoEvalMode :: Mode -> Bool
  498 isDoEvalMode (Right (Right (DoEval _))) = True
  499 isDoEvalMode _ = False
  502 isInteractiveMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool
  503 isInteractiveMode DoInteractive = True
  504 isInteractiveMode _             = False
  505 #endif
  507 -- isInterpretiveMode: byte-code compiler involved
  508 isInterpretiveMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool
  509 isInterpretiveMode DoInteractive = True
  510 isInterpretiveMode (DoEval _)    = True
  511 isInterpretiveMode _             = False
  513 needsInputsMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool
  514 needsInputsMode DoMkDependHS    = True
  515 needsInputsMode (StopBefore _)  = True
  516 needsInputsMode DoMake          = True
  517 needsInputsMode _               = False
  519 -- True if we are going to attempt to link in this mode.
  520 -- (we might not actually link, depending on the GhcLink flag)
  521 isLinkMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool
  522 isLinkMode (StopBefore NoStop) = True
  523 isLinkMode DoMake              = True
  524 isLinkMode DoRun               = True
  525 isLinkMode DoInteractive       = True
  526 isLinkMode (DoEval _)          = True
  527 isLinkMode _                   = False
  529 isCompManagerMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool
  530 isCompManagerMode DoRun         = True
  531 isCompManagerMode DoMake        = True
  532 isCompManagerMode DoInteractive = True
  533 isCompManagerMode (DoEval _)    = True
  534 isCompManagerMode _             = False
  536 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  537 -- Parsing the mode flag
  539 parseModeFlags :: [Located String]
  540                -> IO (Mode,
  541                       [Located String],
  542                       [Warn])
  543 parseModeFlags args = do
  544   let ((leftover, errs1, warns), (mModeFlag, errs2, flags')) =
  545           runCmdLine (processArgs mode_flags args)
  546                      (Nothing, [], [])
  547       mode = case mModeFlag of
  548              Nothing     -> doMakeMode
  549              Just (m, _) -> m
  551   -- See Note [Handling errors when parsing commandline flags]
  552   unless (null errs1 && null errs2) $ throwGhcException $ errorsToGhcException $
  553       map (("on the commandline", )) $ map (unLoc . errMsg) errs1 ++ errs2
  555   return (mode, flags' ++ leftover, warns)
  557 type ModeM = CmdLineP (Maybe (Mode, String), [String], [Located String])
  558   -- mode flags sometimes give rise to new DynFlags (eg. -C, see below)
  559   -- so we collect the new ones and return them.
  561 mode_flags :: [Flag ModeM]
  562 mode_flags =
  563   [  ------- help / version ----------------------------------------------
  564     defFlag "?"                     (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode))
  565   , defFlag "-help"                 (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode))
  566   , defFlag "V"                     (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode))
  567   , defFlag "-version"              (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode))
  568   , defFlag "-numeric-version"      (PassFlag (setMode showNumVersionMode))
  569   , defFlag "-info"                 (PassFlag (setMode showInfoMode))
  570   , defFlag "-show-options"         (PassFlag (setMode showOptionsMode))
  571   , defFlag "-supported-languages"  (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode))
  572   , defFlag "-supported-extensions" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode))
  573   , defFlag "-show-packages"        (PassFlag (setMode showUnitsMode))
  574   ] ++
  575   [ defFlag k'                      (PassFlag (setMode (printSetting k)))
  576   | k <- ["Project version",
  577           "Project Git commit id",
  578           "Booter version",
  579           "Stage",
  580           "Build platform",
  581           "Host platform",
  582           "Target platform",
  583           "Have interpreter",
  584           "Object splitting supported",
  585           "Have native code generator",
  586           "Support SMP",
  587           "Unregisterised",
  588           "Tables next to code",
  589           "RTS ways",
  590           "Leading underscore",
  591           "Debug on",
  592           "LibDir",
  593           "Global Package DB",
  594           "C compiler flags",
  595           "C compiler link flags",
  596           "ld flags"],
  597     let k' = "-print-" ++ map (replaceSpace . toLower) k
  598         replaceSpace ' ' = '-'
  599         replaceSpace c   = c
  600   ] ++
  601       ------- interfaces ----------------------------------------------------
  602   [ defFlag "-show-iface"  (HasArg (\f -> setMode (showInterfaceMode f)
  603                                                "--show-iface"))
  605       ------- primary modes ------------------------------------------------
  606   , defFlag "c"            (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode NoStop) f
  607                                                addFlag "-no-link" f))
  608   , defFlag "M"            (PassFlag (setMode doMkDependHSMode))
  609   , defFlag "E"            (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode StopPreprocess )))
  610   , defFlag "C"            (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode StopC)))
  611   , defFlag "S"            (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode StopAs)))
  612   , defFlag "-run"         (PassFlag (setMode doRunMode))
  613   , defFlag "-make"        (PassFlag (setMode doMakeMode))
  614   , defFlag "-backpack"    (PassFlag (setMode doBackpackMode))
  615   , defFlag "-interactive" (PassFlag (setMode doInteractiveMode))
  616   , defFlag "-abi-hash"    (PassFlag (setMode doAbiHashMode))
  617   , defFlag "e"            (SepArg   (\s -> setMode (doEvalMode s) "-e"))
  618   , defFlag "-frontend"    (SepArg   (\s -> setMode (doFrontendMode s) "-frontend"))
  619   ]
  621 setMode :: Mode -> String -> EwM ModeM ()
  622 setMode newMode newFlag = liftEwM $ do
  623     (mModeFlag, errs, flags') <- getCmdLineState
  624     let (modeFlag', errs') =
  625             case mModeFlag of
  626             Nothing -> ((newMode, newFlag), errs)
  627             Just (oldMode, oldFlag) ->
  628                 case (oldMode, newMode) of
  629                     -- -c/--make are allowed together, and mean --make -no-link
  630                     _ |  isStopLnMode oldMode && isDoMakeMode newMode
  631                       || isStopLnMode newMode && isDoMakeMode oldMode ->
  632                       ((doMakeMode, "--make"), [])
  634                     -- If we have both --help and --interactive then we
  635                     -- want showGhciUsage
  636                     _ | isShowGhcUsageMode oldMode &&
  637                         isDoInteractiveMode newMode ->
  638                             ((showGhciUsageMode, oldFlag), [])
  639                       | isShowGhcUsageMode newMode &&
  640                         isDoInteractiveMode oldMode ->
  641                             ((showGhciUsageMode, newFlag), [])
  643                     -- If we have both -e and --interactive then -e always wins
  644                     _ | isDoEvalMode oldMode &&
  645                         isDoInteractiveMode newMode ->
  646                             ((oldMode, oldFlag), [])
  647                       | isDoEvalMode newMode &&
  648                         isDoInteractiveMode oldMode ->
  649                             ((newMode, newFlag), [])
  651                     -- Otherwise, --help/--version/--numeric-version always win
  652                       | isDominantFlag oldMode -> ((oldMode, oldFlag), [])
  653                       | isDominantFlag newMode -> ((newMode, newFlag), [])
  654                     -- We need to accumulate eval flags like "-e foo -e bar"
  655                     (Right (Right (DoEval esOld)),
  656                      Right (Right (DoEval [eNew]))) ->
  657                         ((Right (Right (DoEval (eNew : esOld))), oldFlag),
  658                          errs)
  659                     -- Saying e.g. --interactive --interactive is OK
  660                     _ | oldFlag == newFlag -> ((oldMode, oldFlag), errs)
  662                     -- --interactive and --show-options are used together
  663                     (Right (Right DoInteractive), Left (ShowOptions _)) ->
  664                       ((Left (ShowOptions True),
  665                         "--interactive --show-options"), errs)
  666                     (Left (ShowOptions _), (Right (Right DoInteractive))) ->
  667                       ((Left (ShowOptions True),
  668                         "--show-options --interactive"), errs)
  669                     -- Otherwise, complain
  670                     _ -> let err = flagMismatchErr oldFlag newFlag
  671                          in ((oldMode, oldFlag), err : errs)
  672     putCmdLineState (Just modeFlag', errs', flags')
  673   where isDominantFlag f = isShowGhcUsageMode   f ||
  674                            isShowGhciUsageMode  f ||
  675                            isShowVersionMode    f ||
  676                            isShowNumVersionMode f
  678 flagMismatchErr :: String -> String -> String
  679 flagMismatchErr oldFlag newFlag
  680     = "cannot use `" ++ oldFlag ++  "' with `" ++ newFlag ++ "'"
  682 addFlag :: String -> String -> EwM ModeM ()
  683 addFlag s flag = liftEwM $ do
  684   (m, e, flags') <- getCmdLineState
  685   putCmdLineState (m, e, mkGeneralLocated loc s : flags')
  686     where loc = "addFlag by " ++ flag ++ " on the commandline"
  688 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  689 -- Run --make mode
  691 doMake :: [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc ()
  692 doMake srcs  = do
  693     let (hs_srcs, non_hs_srcs) = partition isHaskellishTarget srcs
  695     hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
  697     -- if we have no haskell sources from which to do a dependency
  698     -- analysis, then just do one-shot compilation and/or linking.
  699     -- This means that "ghc Foo.o Bar.o -o baz" links the program as
  700     -- we expect.
  701     if (null hs_srcs)
  702        then liftIO (oneShot hsc_env NoStop srcs)
  703        else do
  705     o_files <- mapMaybeM (\x -> liftIO $ compileFile hsc_env NoStop x)
  706                  non_hs_srcs
  707     dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
  708     let dflags' = dflags { ldInputs = map (FileOption "") o_files
  709                                       ++ ldInputs dflags }
  710     _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags'
  712     targets <- mapM (\(src, phase) -> GHC.guessTarget src Nothing phase) hs_srcs
  713     GHC.setTargets targets
  714     ok_flag <- GHC.load LoadAllTargets
  716     when (failed ok_flag) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
  717     return ()
  720 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  721 -- Various banners and verbosity output.
  723 showBanner :: PostLoadMode -> DynFlags -> IO ()
  724 showBanner _postLoadMode dflags = do
  725    let verb = verbosity dflags
  728    -- Show the GHCi banner
  729    when (isInteractiveMode _postLoadMode && verb >= 1) $ putStrLn ghciWelcomeMsg
  730 #endif
  732    -- Display details of the configuration in verbose mode
  733    when (verb >= 2) $
  734     do hPutStr stderr "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version "
  735        hPutStr stderr cProjectVersion
  736        hPutStr stderr ", stage "
  737        hPutStr stderr cStage
  738        hPutStr stderr " booted by GHC version "
  739        hPutStrLn stderr cBooterVersion
  741 -- We print out a Read-friendly string, but a prettier one than the
  742 -- Show instance gives us
  743 showInfo :: DynFlags -> IO ()
  744 showInfo dflags = do
  745         let sq x = " [" ++ x ++ "\n ]"
  746         putStrLn $ sq $ intercalate "\n ," $ map show $ compilerInfo dflags
  748 -- TODO use GHC.Utils.Error once that is disentangled from all the other GhcMonad stuff?
  749 showSupportedExtensions :: Maybe String -> IO ()
  750 showSupportedExtensions m_top_dir = do
  751   res <- runExceptT $ do
  752     top_dir <- lift (tryFindTopDir m_top_dir) >>= \case
  753       Nothing -> throwE $ SettingsError_MissingData "Could not find the top directory, missing -B flag"
  754       Just dir -> pure dir
  755     initSettings top_dir
  756   arch_os <- case res of
  757     Right s -> pure $ platformArchOS $ sTargetPlatform s
  758     Left (SettingsError_MissingData msg) -> do
  759       hPutStrLn stderr $ "WARNING: " ++ show msg
  760       hPutStrLn stderr $ "cannot know target platform so guessing target == host (native compiler)."
  761       pure hostPlatformArchOS
  762     Left (SettingsError_BadData msg) -> do
  763       hPutStrLn stderr msg
  764       exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
  765   mapM_ putStrLn $ supportedLanguagesAndExtensions arch_os
  767 showVersion :: IO ()
  768 showVersion = putStrLn (cProjectName ++ ", version " ++ cProjectVersion)
  770 showOptions :: Bool -> IO ()
  771 showOptions isInteractive = putStr (unlines availableOptions)
  772     where
  773       availableOptions = concat [
  774         flagsForCompletion isInteractive,
  775         map ('-':) (getFlagNames mode_flags)
  776         ]
  777       getFlagNames opts         = map flagName opts
  779 showGhcUsage :: DynFlags -> IO ()
  780 showGhcUsage = showUsage False
  782 showGhciUsage :: DynFlags -> IO ()
  783 showGhciUsage = showUsage True
  785 showUsage :: Bool -> DynFlags -> IO ()
  786 showUsage ghci dflags = do
  787   let usage_path = if ghci then ghciUsagePath dflags
  788                            else ghcUsagePath dflags
  789   usage <- readFile usage_path
  790   progName <- getProgName
  791   dump progName usage
  792   where
  793     dump progName xs = case xs of
  794       ""        -> return ()
  795       '$':'$':s -> putStr progName >> dump progName s
  796       c:s       -> putChar c >> dump progName s
  798 dumpFinalStats :: Logger -> IO ()
  799 dumpFinalStats logger = do
  800   when (logHasDumpFlag logger Opt_D_faststring_stats) $ dumpFastStringStats logger
  802   when (logHasDumpFlag logger Opt_D_dump_faststrings) $ do
  803     fss <- getFastStringTable
  804     let ppr_table         = fmap ppr_segment (fss `zip` [0..])
  805         ppr_segment (s,n) = hang (text "Segment" <+> int n) 2 (vcat (fmap ppr_bucket (s `zip` [0..])))
  806         ppr_bucket  (b,n) = hang (text "Bucket" <+> int n) 2 (vcat (fmap ftext b))
  807     putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_faststrings "FastStrings" FormatText (vcat ppr_table)
  809 dumpFastStringStats :: Logger -> IO ()
  810 dumpFastStringStats logger = do
  811   segments <- getFastStringTable
  812   hasZ <- getFastStringZEncCounter
  813   let buckets = concat segments
  814       bucketsPerSegment = map length segments
  815       entriesPerBucket = map length buckets
  816       entries = sum entriesPerBucket
  817       msg = text "FastString stats:" $$ nest 4 (vcat
  818         [ text "segments:         " <+> int (length segments)
  819         , text "buckets:          " <+> int (sum bucketsPerSegment)
  820         , text "entries:          " <+> int entries
  821         , text "largest segment:  " <+> int (maximum bucketsPerSegment)
  822         , text "smallest segment: " <+> int (minimum bucketsPerSegment)
  823         , text "longest bucket:   " <+> int (maximum entriesPerBucket)
  824         , text "has z-encoding:   " <+> (hasZ `pcntOf` entries)
  825         ])
  826         -- we usually get more "has z-encoding" than "z-encoded", because
  827         -- when we z-encode a string it might hash to the exact same string,
  828         -- which is not counted as "z-encoded".  Only strings whose
  829         -- Z-encoding is different from the original string are counted in
  830         -- the "z-encoded" total.
  831   putMsg logger msg
  832   where
  833    x `pcntOf` y = int ((x * 100) `quot` y) Outputable.<> char '%'
  835 showUnits, dumpUnits, dumpUnitsSimple :: HscEnv -> IO ()
  836 showUnits       hsc_env = putStrLn (showSDoc (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (pprUnits (hsc_units hsc_env)))
  837 dumpUnits       hsc_env = putMsg (hsc_logger hsc_env) (pprUnits (hsc_units hsc_env))
  838 dumpUnitsSimple hsc_env = putMsg (hsc_logger hsc_env) (pprUnitsSimple (hsc_units hsc_env))
  840 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  841 -- Frontend plugin support
  843 doFrontend :: ModuleName -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc ()
  844 doFrontend modname srcs = do
  845     hsc_env <- getSession
  846     frontend_plugin <- liftIO $ loadFrontendPlugin hsc_env modname
  847     frontend frontend_plugin
  848       (reverse $ frontendPluginOpts (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) srcs
  850 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  851 -- ABI hash support
  853 {-
  854         ghc --abi-hash Data.Foo System.Bar
  856 Generates a combined hash of the ABI for modules Data.Foo and
  857 System.Bar.  The modules must already be compiled, and appropriate -i
  858 options may be necessary in order to find the .hi files.
  860 This is used by Cabal for generating the ComponentId for a
  861 package.  The ComponentId must change when the visible ABI of
  862 the package changes, so during registration Cabal calls ghc --abi-hash
  863 to get a hash of the package's ABI.
  864 -}
  866 -- | Print ABI hash of input modules.
  867 --
  868 -- The resulting hash is the MD5 of the GHC version used (#5328,
  869 -- see 'hiVersion') and of the existing ABI hash from each module (see
  870 -- 'mi_mod_hash').
  871 abiHash :: [String] -- ^ List of module names
  872         -> Ghc ()
  873 abiHash strs = do
  874   hsc_env <- getSession
  875   let fc        = hsc_FC hsc_env
  876   let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
  877   let units     = hsc_units hsc_env
  878   let dflags    = hsc_dflags hsc_env
  879   let fopts     = initFinderOpts dflags
  881   liftIO $ do
  883   let find_it str = do
  884          let modname = mkModuleName str
  885          r <- findImportedModule fc fopts units home_unit modname NoPkgQual
  886          case r of
  887            Found _ m -> return m
  888            _error    -> throwGhcException $ CmdLineError $ showSDoc dflags $
  889                           cannotFindModule hsc_env modname r
  891   mods <- mapM find_it strs
  893   let get_iface modl = loadUserInterface NotBoot (text "abiHash") modl
  894   ifaces <- initIfaceCheck (text "abiHash") hsc_env $ mapM get_iface mods
  896   bh <- openBinMem (3*1024) -- just less than a block
  897   put_ bh hiVersion
  898     -- package hashes change when the compiler version changes (for now)
  899     -- see #5328
  900   mapM_ (put_ bh . mi_mod_hash . mi_final_exts) ifaces
  901   f <- fingerprintBinMem bh
  903   putStrLn (showPpr dflags f)
  905 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  906 -- Util
  908 unknownFlagsErr :: [String] -> a
  909 unknownFlagsErr fs = throwGhcException $ UsageError $ concatMap oneError fs
  910   where
  911     oneError f =
  912         "unrecognised flag: " ++ f ++ "\n" ++
  913         (case match f (nubSort allNonDeprecatedFlags) of
  914             [] -> ""
  915             suggs -> "did you mean one of:\n" ++ unlines (map ("  " ++) suggs))
  916     -- fixes #11789
  917     -- If the flag contains '=',
  918     -- this uses both the whole and the left side of '=' for comparing.
  919     match f allFlags
  920         | elem '=' f =
  921               let (flagsWithEq, flagsWithoutEq) = partition (elem '=') allFlags
  922                   fName = takeWhile (/= '=') f
  923               in (fuzzyMatch f flagsWithEq) ++ (fuzzyMatch fName flagsWithoutEq)
  924         | otherwise = fuzzyMatch f allFlags