never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, DerivingVia #-}
    2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
    3 {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
    5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 --
    7 -- Monadery code used in InteractiveUI
    8 --
    9 -- (c) The GHC Team 2005-2006
   10 --
   11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   13 module GHCi.UI.Monad (
   14         GHCi(..), startGHCi,
   15         GHCiState(..), GhciMonad(..),
   16         GHCiOption(..), isOptionSet, setOption, unsetOption,
   17         Command(..), CommandResult(..), cmdSuccess,
   18         LocalConfigBehaviour(..),
   19         PromptFunction,
   20         BreakLocation(..),
   21         TickArray,
   22         extractDynFlags, getDynFlags,
   24         runStmt, runDecls, runDecls', resume, recordBreak, revertCAFs,
   25         ActionStats(..), runAndPrintStats, runWithStats, printStats,
   27         printForUserNeverQualify, printForUserModInfo,
   28         printForUser, printForUserPartWay, prettyLocations,
   30         compileGHCiExpr,
   31         initInterpBuffering,
   32         turnOffBuffering, turnOffBuffering_,
   33         flushInterpBuffers,
   34         runInternal,
   35         mkEvalWrapper
   36     ) where
   38 import GHCi.UI.Info (ModInfo)
   39 import qualified GHC
   40 import GHC.Driver.Monad hiding (liftIO)
   41 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
   42 import qualified GHC.Driver.Ppr as Ppr
   43 import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
   44 import GHC.Driver.Session
   45 import GHC.Data.FastString
   46 import GHC.Driver.Env
   47 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
   48 import GHC.Types.SafeHaskell
   49 import GHC.Unit
   50 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader as RdrName (mkOrig)
   51 import GHC.Builtin.Names (gHC_GHCI_HELPERS)
   52 import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
   53 import GHC.Runtime.Context
   54 import GHCi.RemoteTypes
   55 import GHC.Hs (ImportDecl, GhcPs, GhciLStmt, LHsDecl)
   56 import GHC.Hs.Utils
   57 import GHC.Utils.Misc
   58 import GHC.Utils.Logger
   59 import GHC.Unit.Home.ModInfo
   61 import GHC.Utils.Exception hiding (uninterruptibleMask, mask, catch)
   62 import Numeric
   63 import Data.Array
   64 import Data.IORef
   65 import Data.Time
   66 import System.Environment
   67 import System.IO
   68 import Control.Monad
   69 import Prelude hiding ((<>))
   71 import System.Console.Haskeline (CompletionFunc, InputT)
   72 import Control.Monad.Catch as MC
   73 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
   74 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
   75 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
   76 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
   77 import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
   78 import qualified GHC.Data.EnumSet as EnumSet
   79 import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
   81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   82 -- GHCi monad
   84 data GHCiState = GHCiState
   85      {
   86         progname       :: String,
   87         args           :: [String],
   88         evalWrapper    :: ForeignHValue, -- ^ of type @IO a -> IO a@
   89         prompt         :: PromptFunction,
   90         prompt_cont    :: PromptFunction,
   91         editor         :: String,
   92         stop           :: String,
   93         localConfig    :: LocalConfigBehaviour,
   94         options        :: [GHCiOption],
   95         line_number    :: !Int,         -- ^ input line
   96         break_ctr      :: !Int,
   97         breaks         :: !(IntMap.IntMap BreakLocation),
   98         tickarrays     :: ModuleEnv TickArray,
   99             -- ^ 'tickarrays' caches the 'TickArray' for loaded modules,
  100             -- so that we don't rebuild it each time the user sets
  101             -- a breakpoint.
  102         ghci_commands  :: [Command],
  103             -- ^ available ghci commands
  104         ghci_macros    :: [Command],
  105             -- ^ user-defined macros
  106         last_command   :: Maybe Command,
  107             -- ^ @:@ at the GHCi prompt repeats the last command, so we
  108             -- remember it here
  109         cmd_wrapper    :: InputT GHCi CommandResult -> InputT GHCi (Maybe Bool),
  110             -- ^ The command wrapper is run for each command or statement.
  111             -- The 'Bool' value denotes whether the command is successful and
  112             -- 'Nothing' means to exit GHCi.
  113         cmdqueue       :: [String],
  115         remembered_ctx :: [InteractiveImport],
  116             -- ^ The imports that the user has asked for, via import
  117             -- declarations and :module commands.  This list is
  118             -- persistent over :reloads (but any imports for modules
  119             -- that are not loaded are temporarily ignored).  After a
  120             -- :load, all the home-package imports are stripped from
  121             -- this list.
  122             --
  123             -- See bugs #2049, #1873, #1360
  125         transient_ctx  :: [InteractiveImport],
  126             -- ^ An import added automatically after a :load, usually of
  127             -- the most recently compiled module.  May be empty if
  128             -- there are no modules loaded.  This list is replaced by
  129             -- :load, :reload, and :add.  In between it may be modified
  130             -- by :module.
  132         extra_imports  :: [ImportDecl GhcPs],
  133             -- ^ These are "always-on" imports, added to the
  134             -- context regardless of what other imports we have.
  135             -- This is useful for adding imports that are required
  136             -- by setGHCiMonad.  Be careful adding things here:
  137             -- you can create ambiguities if these imports overlap
  138             -- with other things in scope.
  139             --
  140             -- NB. although this is not currently used by GHCi itself,
  141             -- it was added to support other front-ends that are based
  142             -- on the GHCi code.  Potentially we could also expose
  143             -- this functionality via GHCi commands.
  145         prelude_imports :: [ImportDecl GhcPs],
  146             -- ^ These imports are added to the context when
  147             -- -XImplicitPrelude is on and we don't have a *-module
  148             -- in the context.  They can also be overridden by another
  149             -- import for the same module, e.g.
  150             -- "import Prelude hiding (map)"
  152         ghc_e :: Bool, -- ^ True if this is 'ghc -e' (or runghc)
  154         short_help :: String,
  155             -- ^ help text to display to a user
  156         long_help  :: String,
  157         lastErrorLocations :: IORef [(FastString, Int)],
  159         mod_infos  :: !(Map ModuleName ModInfo),
  161         flushStdHandles :: ForeignHValue,
  162             -- ^ @hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr@ in the interpreter
  163         noBuffering :: ForeignHValue,
  164             -- ^ @hSetBuffering NoBuffering@ for stdin/stdout/stderr
  165         hmiCache :: [HomeModInfo]
  166      }
  168 type TickArray = Array Int [(GHC.BreakIndex,RealSrcSpan)]
  170 -- | A GHCi command
  171 data Command
  172    = Command
  173    { cmdName           :: String
  174      -- ^ Name of GHCi command (e.g. "exit")
  175    , cmdAction         :: String -> InputT GHCi Bool
  176      -- ^ The 'Bool' value denotes whether to exit GHCi
  177    , cmdHidden         :: Bool
  178      -- ^ Commands which are excluded from default completion
  179      -- and @:help@ summary. This is usually set for commands not
  180      -- useful for interactive use but rather for IDEs.
  181    , cmdCompletionFunc :: CompletionFunc GHCi
  182      -- ^ 'CompletionFunc' for arguments
  183    }
  185 data CommandResult
  186    = CommandComplete
  187    { cmdInput :: String
  188    , cmdResult :: Either SomeException (Maybe Bool)
  189    , cmdStats :: ActionStats
  190    }
  191    | CommandIncomplete
  192      -- ^ Unterminated multiline command
  193    deriving Show
  195 cmdSuccess :: MonadThrow m => CommandResult -> m (Maybe Bool)
  196 cmdSuccess CommandComplete{ cmdResult = Left e } = throwM e
  197 cmdSuccess CommandComplete{ cmdResult = Right r } = return r
  198 cmdSuccess CommandIncomplete = return $ Just True
  200 type PromptFunction = [String]
  201                    -> Int
  202                    -> GHCi SDoc
  204 data GHCiOption
  205         = ShowTiming            -- show time/allocs after evaluation
  206         | ShowType              -- show the type of expressions
  207         | RevertCAFs            -- revert CAFs after every evaluation
  208         | Multiline             -- use multiline commands
  209         | CollectInfo           -- collect and cache information about
  210                                 -- modules after load
  211         deriving Eq
  213 -- | Treatment of ./.ghci files.  For now we either load or
  214 -- ignore.  But later we could implement a "safe mode" where
  215 -- only safe operations are performed.
  216 --
  217 data LocalConfigBehaviour
  218   = SourceLocalConfig
  219   | IgnoreLocalConfig
  220   deriving (Eq)
  222 data BreakLocation
  223    = BreakLocation
  224    { breakModule :: !GHC.Module
  225    , breakLoc    :: !SrcSpan
  226    , breakTick   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  227    , breakEnabled:: !Bool
  228    , onBreakCmd  :: String
  229    }
  231 instance Eq BreakLocation where
  232   loc1 == loc2 = breakModule loc1 == breakModule loc2 &&
  233                  breakTick loc1   == breakTick loc2
  235 prettyLocations :: IntMap.IntMap BreakLocation -> SDoc
  236 prettyLocations  locs =
  237     case  IntMap.null locs of
  238       True  -> text "No active breakpoints."
  239       False -> vcat $ map (\(i, loc) -> brackets (int i) <+> ppr loc) $ IntMap.toAscList locs
  241 instance Outputable BreakLocation where
  242    ppr loc = (ppr $ breakModule loc) <+> ppr (breakLoc loc) <+> pprEnaDisa <+>
  243                 if null (onBreakCmd loc)
  244                    then empty
  245                    else doubleQuotes (text (onBreakCmd loc))
  246       where pprEnaDisa = case breakEnabled loc of
  247                 True  -> text "enabled"
  248                 False -> text "disabled"
  250 recordBreak
  251   :: GhciMonad m => BreakLocation -> m (Bool{- was already present -}, Int)
  252 recordBreak brkLoc = do
  253    st <- getGHCiState
  254    let oldmap = breaks st
  255        oldActiveBreaks = IntMap.assocs oldmap
  256    -- don't store the same break point twice
  257    case [ nm | (nm, loc) <- oldActiveBreaks, loc == brkLoc ] of
  258      (nm:_) -> return (True, nm)
  259      [] -> do
  260       let oldCounter = break_ctr st
  261           newCounter = oldCounter + 1
  262       setGHCiState $ st { break_ctr = newCounter,
  263                           breaks = IntMap.insert oldCounter brkLoc oldmap
  264                         }
  265       return (False, oldCounter)
  267 newtype GHCi a = GHCi { unGHCi :: IORef GHCiState -> Ghc a }
  268     deriving (Functor)
  269     deriving (MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask) via (ReaderT (IORef GHCiState) Ghc)
  271 reflectGHCi :: (Session, IORef GHCiState) -> GHCi a -> IO a
  272 reflectGHCi (s, gs) m = unGhc (unGHCi m gs) s
  274 startGHCi :: GHCi a -> GHCiState -> Ghc a
  275 startGHCi g state = do ref <- liftIO $ newIORef state; unGHCi g ref
  277 instance Applicative GHCi where
  278     pure a = GHCi $ \_ -> pure a
  279     (<*>) = ap
  281 instance Monad GHCi where
  282   (GHCi m) >>= k  =  GHCi $ \s -> m s >>= \a -> unGHCi (k a) s
  284 class GhcMonad m => GhciMonad m where
  285   getGHCiState    :: m GHCiState
  286   setGHCiState    :: GHCiState -> m ()
  287   modifyGHCiState :: (GHCiState -> GHCiState) -> m ()
  288   reifyGHCi       :: ((Session, IORef GHCiState) -> IO a) -> m a
  290 instance GhciMonad GHCi where
  291   getGHCiState      = GHCi $ \r -> liftIO $ readIORef r
  292   setGHCiState s    = GHCi $ \r -> liftIO $ writeIORef r s
  293   modifyGHCiState f = GHCi $ \r -> liftIO $ modifyIORef' r f
  294   reifyGHCi f       = GHCi $ \r -> reifyGhc $ \s -> f (s, r)
  296 instance GhciMonad (InputT GHCi) where
  297   getGHCiState    = lift getGHCiState
  298   setGHCiState    = lift . setGHCiState
  299   modifyGHCiState = lift . modifyGHCiState
  300   reifyGHCi       = lift . reifyGHCi
  302 liftGhc :: Ghc a -> GHCi a
  303 liftGhc m = GHCi $ \_ -> m
  305 instance MonadIO GHCi where
  306   liftIO = liftGhc . liftIO
  308 instance HasDynFlags GHCi where
  309   getDynFlags = getSessionDynFlags
  311 instance HasLogger GHCi where
  312   getLogger = hsc_logger <$> getSession
  314 instance GhcMonad GHCi where
  315   setSession s' = liftGhc $ setSession s'
  316   getSession    = liftGhc $ getSession
  319 instance HasDynFlags (InputT GHCi) where
  320   getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
  322 instance HasLogger (InputT GHCi) where
  323   getLogger = lift getLogger
  325 instance GhcMonad (InputT GHCi) where
  326   setSession = lift . setSession
  327   getSession = lift getSession
  329 isOptionSet :: GhciMonad m => GHCiOption -> m Bool
  330 isOptionSet opt
  331  = do st <- getGHCiState
  332       return $! (opt `elem` options st)
  334 setOption :: GhciMonad m => GHCiOption -> m ()
  335 setOption opt
  336  = do st <- getGHCiState
  337       setGHCiState (st{ options = opt : filter (/= opt) (options st) })
  339 unsetOption :: GhciMonad m => GHCiOption -> m ()
  340 unsetOption opt
  341  = do st <- getGHCiState
  342       setGHCiState (st{ options = filter (/= opt) (options st) })
  344 printForUserNeverQualify :: GhcMonad m => SDoc -> m ()
  345 printForUserNeverQualify doc = do
  346   dflags <- getDynFlags
  347   liftIO $ Ppr.printForUser dflags stdout neverQualify AllTheWay doc
  349 printForUserModInfo :: GhcMonad m => GHC.ModuleInfo -> SDoc -> m ()
  350 printForUserModInfo info doc = do
  351   dflags <- getDynFlags
  352   mUnqual <- GHC.mkPrintUnqualifiedForModule info
  353   unqual <- maybe GHC.getPrintUnqual return mUnqual
  354   liftIO $ Ppr.printForUser dflags stdout unqual AllTheWay doc
  356 printForUser :: GhcMonad m => SDoc -> m ()
  357 printForUser doc = do
  358   unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual
  359   dflags <- getDynFlags
  360   liftIO $ Ppr.printForUser dflags stdout unqual AllTheWay doc
  362 printForUserPartWay :: GhcMonad m => SDoc -> m ()
  363 printForUserPartWay doc = do
  364   unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual
  365   dflags <- getDynFlags
  366   liftIO $ Ppr.printForUser dflags stdout unqual DefaultDepth doc
  368 -- | Run a single Haskell expression
  369 runStmt
  370   :: GhciMonad m
  371   => GhciLStmt GhcPs -> String -> GHC.SingleStep -> m (Maybe GHC.ExecResult)
  372 runStmt stmt stmt_text step = do
  373   st <- getGHCiState
  374   GHC.handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e; return Nothing) $ do
  375     let opts = GHC.execOptions
  376                   { GHC.execSourceFile = progname st
  377                   , GHC.execLineNumber = line_number st
  378                   , GHC.execSingleStep = step
  379                   , GHC.execWrap = \fhv -> EvalApp (EvalThis (evalWrapper st))
  380                                                    (EvalThis fhv) }
  381     Just <$> GHC.execStmt' stmt stmt_text opts
  383 runDecls :: GhciMonad m => String -> m (Maybe [GHC.Name])
  384 runDecls decls = do
  385   st <- getGHCiState
  386   reifyGHCi $ \x ->
  387     withProgName (progname st) $
  388     withArgs (args st) $
  389       reflectGHCi x $ do
  390         GHC.handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e;
  391                                         return Nothing) $ do
  392           r <- GHC.runDeclsWithLocation (progname st) (line_number st) decls
  393           return (Just r)
  395 runDecls' :: GhciMonad m => [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> m (Maybe [GHC.Name])
  396 runDecls' decls = do
  397   st <- getGHCiState
  398   reifyGHCi $ \x ->
  399     withProgName (progname st) $
  400     withArgs (args st) $
  401     reflectGHCi x $
  402       GHC.handleSourceError
  403         (\e -> do GHC.printException e;
  404                   return Nothing)
  405         (Just <$> GHC.runParsedDecls decls)
  407 resume :: GhciMonad m => (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.SingleStep -> Maybe Int -> m GHC.ExecResult
  408 resume canLogSpan step mbIgnoreCnt = do
  409   st <- getGHCiState
  410   reifyGHCi $ \x ->
  411     withProgName (progname st) $
  412     withArgs (args st) $
  413       reflectGHCi x $ do
  414         GHC.resumeExec canLogSpan step mbIgnoreCnt
  416 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  417 -- timing & statistics
  419 data ActionStats = ActionStats
  420   { actionAllocs :: Maybe Integer
  421   , actionElapsedTime :: Double
  422   } deriving Show
  424 runAndPrintStats
  425   :: GhciMonad m
  426   => (a -> Maybe Integer)
  427   -> m a
  428   -> m (ActionStats, Either SomeException a)
  429 runAndPrintStats getAllocs action = do
  430   result <- runWithStats getAllocs action
  431   case result of
  432     (stats, Right{}) -> do
  433       showTiming <- isOptionSet ShowTiming
  434       when showTiming $ do
  435         dflags  <- getDynFlags
  436         liftIO $ printStats dflags stats
  437     _ -> return ()
  438   return result
  440 runWithStats
  441   :: ExceptionMonad m
  442   => (a -> Maybe Integer) -> m a -> m (ActionStats, Either SomeException a)
  443 runWithStats getAllocs action = do
  444   t0 <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  445   result <- MC.try action
  446   let allocs = either (const Nothing) getAllocs result
  447   t1 <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  448   let elapsedTime = realToFrac $ t1 `diffUTCTime` t0
  449   return (ActionStats allocs elapsedTime, result)
  451 printStats :: DynFlags -> ActionStats -> IO ()
  452 printStats dflags ActionStats{actionAllocs = mallocs, actionElapsedTime = secs}
  453    = do let secs_str = showFFloat (Just 2) secs
  454         putStrLn (Ppr.showSDoc dflags (
  455                  parens (text (secs_str "") <+> text "secs" <> comma <+>
  456                          case mallocs of
  457                            Nothing -> empty
  458                            Just allocs ->
  459                              text (separateThousands allocs) <+> text "bytes")))
  460   where
  461     separateThousands n = reverse . sep . reverse . show $ n
  462       where sep n'
  463               | n' `lengthAtMost` 3 = n'
  464               | otherwise           = take 3 n' ++ "," ++ sep (drop 3 n')
  466 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  467 -- reverting CAFs
  469 revertCAFs :: GhciMonad m => m ()
  470 revertCAFs = do
  471   interp <- hscInterp <$> GHC.getSession
  472   liftIO $ interpCmd interp RtsRevertCAFs
  473   s <- getGHCiState
  474   when (not (ghc_e s)) turnOffBuffering
  475      -- Have to turn off buffering again, because we just
  476      -- reverted stdout, stderr & stdin to their defaults.
  479 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  480 -- To flush buffers for the *interpreted* computation we need
  481 -- to refer to *its* stdout/stderr handles
  483 -- | Compile "hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr" once, so we can use it repeatedly
  484 initInterpBuffering :: Ghc (ForeignHValue, ForeignHValue)
  485 initInterpBuffering = do
  486   let mkHelperExpr :: OccName -> Ghc ForeignHValue
  487       mkHelperExpr occ =
  488         GHC.compileParsedExprRemote
  489         $ GHC.nlHsVar $ RdrName.mkOrig gHC_GHCI_HELPERS occ
  490   nobuf <- mkHelperExpr $ mkVarOcc "disableBuffering"
  491   flush <- mkHelperExpr $ mkVarOcc "flushAll"
  492   return (nobuf, flush)
  494 -- | Invoke "hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr" in the interpreter
  495 flushInterpBuffers :: GhciMonad m => m ()
  496 flushInterpBuffers = do
  497   st <- getGHCiState
  498   interp <- hscInterp <$> GHC.getSession
  499   liftIO $ evalIO interp (flushStdHandles st)
  501 -- | Turn off buffering for stdin, stdout, and stderr in the interpreter
  502 turnOffBuffering :: GhciMonad m => m ()
  503 turnOffBuffering = do
  504   st <- getGHCiState
  505   turnOffBuffering_ (noBuffering st)
  507 turnOffBuffering_ :: GhcMonad m => ForeignHValue -> m ()
  508 turnOffBuffering_ fhv = do
  509   interp <- hscInterp <$> getSession
  510   liftIO $ evalIO interp fhv
  512 mkEvalWrapper :: GhcMonad m => String -> [String] ->  m ForeignHValue
  513 mkEvalWrapper progname args =
  514   runInternal $ GHC.compileParsedExprRemote
  515   $ evalWrapper `GHC.mkHsApp` nlHsString progname
  516                 `GHC.mkHsApp` nlList (map nlHsString args)
  517   where
  518     nlHsString = nlHsLit . mkHsString
  519     evalWrapper =
  520       GHC.nlHsVar $ RdrName.mkOrig gHC_GHCI_HELPERS (mkVarOcc "evalWrapper")
  522 -- | Run a 'GhcMonad' action to compile an expression for internal usage.
  523 runInternal :: GhcMonad m => m a -> m a
  524 runInternal =
  525     withTempSession mkTempSession
  526   where
  527     mkTempSession = hscUpdateFlags (\dflags -> dflags
  528       { -- Running GHCi's internal expression is incompatible with -XSafe.
  529           -- We temporarily disable any Safe Haskell settings while running
  530           -- GHCi internal expressions. (see #12509)
  531         safeHaskell = Sf_None,
  532           -- Disable dumping of any data during evaluation of GHCi's internal
  533           -- expressions. (#17500)
  534         dumpFlags = EnumSet.empty
  535       }
  536         -- RebindableSyntax can wreak havoc with GHCi in several ways
  537           -- (see #13385 and #14342 for examples), so we temporarily
  538           -- disable it too.
  539           `xopt_unset` LangExt.RebindableSyntax
  540           -- We heavily depend on -fimplicit-import-qualified to compile expr
  541           -- with fully qualified names without imports.
  542           `gopt_set` Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
  543       )
  545 compileGHCiExpr :: GhcMonad m => String -> m ForeignHValue
  546 compileGHCiExpr expr = runInternal $ GHC.compileExprRemote expr